3 Tips to Ensure You Have a Baby Girl
Gender selection is a very old custom and in the older days it was assumed that the woman determines the gender of the baby.
The concept of gender selection and determination of a baby's gender was not properly understood then and that it is the male who is responsible for the sex of the baby.
Many modern families have now become aware that there is such a thing as selecting your child's sex prior to conception.
You may have a boy or two or three and now wish to complete your family and add that missing link to the puzzle and surely you must have uttered these words before "This time round, I want to have a baby girl"! And "How do you have a baby girl?" You can rest assured that there is no need for you to understand or to learn how you can do this in a scientific way.
There are techniques available that you can apply in a natural and safe way, that will highly optimise your chances of conceiving your baby girl.
Rest assured that you can still go about your normal daily life with only minor adjustments to your daily diet.
The rest of the techniques, if applied correctly and persistently, will come naturally.
To enable you to conceive your baby girl, your body requires the correct environment for the girl sperm to flourish in and ultimately reach the egg for fertilisation.
The X sperm chromosome (girl) and Y sperm chromosome (boy) are both produced by the father-to-be.
The girl sperm thrives in an acidic environment as they are more resilient than the Y sperm.
In other words, they can withstand 'harsher' conditions.
In order to create this acidic vaginal environment for the X sperm and give it the advantage over the Y sperm, you must adjust your diet to include foods that contain high levels of calcium and magnesium.
Foods to eat that will help you create these conditions and increase your chances to conceive your baby girl, includes broccoli, apples, fish, and dairy products.
Choosing the right time for intercourse: It is important to plan intercourse two to three days before you ovulate.
The Y (boy) sperm chromosome has a short lifespan and if you do the above, it will give the boy sperm time to die off and only leave the viable, long living X sperm, to fertilize the egg.
The X sperm can live up to five days.
How do you have a baby girl choosing the right position? Choosing positions which will allow your partner to penetrate rather shallow is ideal.
The missionary position will allow for this shallow penetration.
Other positions will also work as long as the penetration is not deep.
The reason for shallow penetration is because the sperm is deposited so far away from the cervix, the boy sperm would have died off before reaching the egg due to their short life span.
This will then leave only the girl sperm, which are slower but more durable, to fertilize the egg.
All the above techniques, when applied consistently, can increase the likelihood of you conceiving your baby girl.
But, you have to be disciplined and persistent.
Have fun at trying to implement these natural gender selection methods on how you can have your little princess to add to your family.
The concept of gender selection and determination of a baby's gender was not properly understood then and that it is the male who is responsible for the sex of the baby.
Many modern families have now become aware that there is such a thing as selecting your child's sex prior to conception.
You may have a boy or two or three and now wish to complete your family and add that missing link to the puzzle and surely you must have uttered these words before "This time round, I want to have a baby girl"! And "How do you have a baby girl?" You can rest assured that there is no need for you to understand or to learn how you can do this in a scientific way.
There are techniques available that you can apply in a natural and safe way, that will highly optimise your chances of conceiving your baby girl.
Rest assured that you can still go about your normal daily life with only minor adjustments to your daily diet.
The rest of the techniques, if applied correctly and persistently, will come naturally.
To enable you to conceive your baby girl, your body requires the correct environment for the girl sperm to flourish in and ultimately reach the egg for fertilisation.
The X sperm chromosome (girl) and Y sperm chromosome (boy) are both produced by the father-to-be.
The girl sperm thrives in an acidic environment as they are more resilient than the Y sperm.
In other words, they can withstand 'harsher' conditions.
In order to create this acidic vaginal environment for the X sperm and give it the advantage over the Y sperm, you must adjust your diet to include foods that contain high levels of calcium and magnesium.
Foods to eat that will help you create these conditions and increase your chances to conceive your baby girl, includes broccoli, apples, fish, and dairy products.
Choosing the right time for intercourse: It is important to plan intercourse two to three days before you ovulate.
The Y (boy) sperm chromosome has a short lifespan and if you do the above, it will give the boy sperm time to die off and only leave the viable, long living X sperm, to fertilize the egg.
The X sperm can live up to five days.
How do you have a baby girl choosing the right position? Choosing positions which will allow your partner to penetrate rather shallow is ideal.
The missionary position will allow for this shallow penetration.
Other positions will also work as long as the penetration is not deep.
The reason for shallow penetration is because the sperm is deposited so far away from the cervix, the boy sperm would have died off before reaching the egg due to their short life span.
This will then leave only the girl sperm, which are slower but more durable, to fertilize the egg.
All the above techniques, when applied consistently, can increase the likelihood of you conceiving your baby girl.
But, you have to be disciplined and persistent.
Have fun at trying to implement these natural gender selection methods on how you can have your little princess to add to your family.