Trying to Conceive a Girl - Stop Trying Because Trying Doesn"t Work
Are you trying to conceive a girl? If you answered yes you are at the right place.
I like babies but to me newborn baby girls are like small angels.
Watching them play just makes my day but a few months back I was desperately trying to conceive a girl baby but nothing was working for me, but I wasn't ready to give up yet.
If you are like me then read on, and you will discover some real gems that can increase your chances conceiving a baby girl tremendously.
Timing is everything- When trying to increase your chances of getting pregnant with a girl baby you must adjust your timing a little.
You must have sex 3 to 4 days before ovulating, the reason being boy producing sperms are faster but weaker in comparison to the girl producing sperm, so they will die during those 4 days in vaginal track but girl producing sperms has more chances to survive and fertilizing the egg.
I am really sorry if this tip sounds very simple but the fact is most of the things in life are simple but not easy, you must be willing to make an effort from your side.
Few months back I was really depressed because I was continuously trying to conceive a girl but was not able to do so but somewhere inside I had a belief that there must be a way, and today I am a mother of a beautiful baby girl so don't loose hope as I am here to help.
I like babies but to me newborn baby girls are like small angels.
Watching them play just makes my day but a few months back I was desperately trying to conceive a girl baby but nothing was working for me, but I wasn't ready to give up yet.
If you are like me then read on, and you will discover some real gems that can increase your chances conceiving a baby girl tremendously.
Timing is everything- When trying to increase your chances of getting pregnant with a girl baby you must adjust your timing a little.
You must have sex 3 to 4 days before ovulating, the reason being boy producing sperms are faster but weaker in comparison to the girl producing sperm, so they will die during those 4 days in vaginal track but girl producing sperms has more chances to survive and fertilizing the egg.
I am really sorry if this tip sounds very simple but the fact is most of the things in life are simple but not easy, you must be willing to make an effort from your side.
Few months back I was really depressed because I was continuously trying to conceive a girl but was not able to do so but somewhere inside I had a belief that there must be a way, and today I am a mother of a beautiful baby girl so don't loose hope as I am here to help.