Heart Failure and the Echocardiogram
Heart Failure and the Echocardiogram
Before a transesophageal echo, you will be asked to remove dentures and lie down on your left side on the exam table. You will be given some intravenous fluids and a mild sedative (medicine to help you relax). Your heart rate and blood pressure will be monitored throughout the procedure. Finally, an anesthetic spray is sprayed into the throat to reduce the gag reflex.
Then a small transducer attached to a long tube is inserted into the esophagus via the mouth. This won't affect breathing, but swallowing may be temporarily affected. Next the doctor will perform the test to visualize the heart.
When completed, the tube is withdrawn. Vital signs will be monitored for about 20-30 minutes. You cannot eat or drink until the anesthetic spray wears off -- about an hour.
The test takes about 30 minutes to perform.
You will need to arrange transportation home since you may feel groggy from the sedative.
Begin Your Personalized Cholesterol Health Assessment
Heart Failure and the Echocardiogram
In this article
- Why Do I Need an Echocardiogram?
- What Are the Types of Echocardiograms?
- How Should I Prepare for the Echocardiogram?
- What Happens During an Echocardiogram?
- What Should I Do to Prepare for a Stress Echocardiogram?
- What Should I Do if I Have Diabetes?
- What Happens During a Stress Echocardiogram?
- What Happens During the Transesophageal Echo?
What Happens During the Transesophageal Echo?
Before a transesophageal echo, you will be asked to remove dentures and lie down on your left side on the exam table. You will be given some intravenous fluids and a mild sedative (medicine to help you relax). Your heart rate and blood pressure will be monitored throughout the procedure. Finally, an anesthetic spray is sprayed into the throat to reduce the gag reflex.
Then a small transducer attached to a long tube is inserted into the esophagus via the mouth. This won't affect breathing, but swallowing may be temporarily affected. Next the doctor will perform the test to visualize the heart.
When completed, the tube is withdrawn. Vital signs will be monitored for about 20-30 minutes. You cannot eat or drink until the anesthetic spray wears off -- about an hour.
The test takes about 30 minutes to perform.
You will need to arrange transportation home since you may feel groggy from the sedative.
Begin Your Personalized Cholesterol Health Assessment