How to Deal With Stubborn Children and Homework
- 1). Have an agreed set time and specific place for homework, and stick to it. You can allow the child to set her own homework time themselves, providing it is not too late.
The homework area should be distraction-free, and with adequate lighting. Try to keep the area as quiet as possible, turn off the TV or radio and take away your child's cell phone. - 2). Explain that homework has to be done, and it's a part of school life. If a stubborn child becomes angry and refuses to do the homework at the agreed time, respond in a calm manner that the longer he refuses, the longer the homework time will take. Look through the child's homework before he begins so he understands what he needs to.
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Rewarding children for completing their homework motivates stubborn children.Jupiterimages/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images
Set a reward scheme. If your child has done 30 minutes of homework, she can watch 30 minutes of television or play outdoors for that time. Explain gently that if she does not do the homework, she will not be allowed to have these rewards. - 4). Praise your child for completing his homework. Encourage him to share with you what he has done, and try to engage his attention by discussing his homework achievements.