Overcome Infertilty 14--Hormone Imbalance Causes of Infertility
As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or carry the pregnancy to term. It effects over 5 millions couple alone in the U. S. and many times more in the world. Because of unawareness of treatments, only 10% seeks help from professional specialist. In this article, we will discuss hormone imbalance causes of infertility.
1. Androgens
Androgen is also an steroid hormone which helps to control the development and maintenance of masculine characteristics. In women, it is necessary in estrogen synthesis, increasing sexual desire and preventing of bone loss, over production of androgen causes male like pattern, irregular menstrual cycle or absence of menstrual cycle leading to infertility. In Men, over production androgen by test causes lower quality of sperm and sperm production leading to male infertility.
2. Hyperthyroidism
It is defined as a condition in which our body produces too much thyroid hormone causing low levels of estrogen which can not trigger the production of LH then ovulation leading to infertility.
3. Hypothyroidism
As oppose to hyperthyroidism, it is defined as a condition in which our body produces very little thyroid hormone leading to irregular ovulation and increasing production of prolactin causing production of immature eggs from the ovaries resulting in infertility.
4. Luteal phase defect
Luteal phrase is defined as the second half of the menstrual cycle that occurs between ovulation and menstruation. At the beginning of this phrase, after releasing of the egg, the levels of progesterone increase leading to uterine inning thickening to support the implantation of embryo. Luteal phrase defect is caused by uterine inning does not develop properly, thereby does not response to high levels of progesterone stimulation preventing fertilized egg implantation resulting in miscarriage.
5. Low levels of Progesterone
Progesterone is vital for endometrial lining to become soft in helping implantation of fertilized egg, stimulate the production of sperm friendly mucus and open the cervical for sperm invasion. Deficiency of progesterone interferes with those processes leading to infertility as sperm can not enter the Fallopian tube.
6. High levels of Estrogen
Estrogen is vital for starting the women menstrual, but the levels remain high over the cycle will prevent ovulation.
7. Testosterone
Testosterone not only is vital for maintaining penis erection, sexual desire but also helps in healthy sperm production. Unbalance of levels of testosterone in men interferes with sperm production.
I hope the series of fertility and fertility will help you understanding more of the causes of infertility in women and men, if you need more information or you want to read about the above subject, please visit
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1. Androgens
Androgen is also an steroid hormone which helps to control the development and maintenance of masculine characteristics. In women, it is necessary in estrogen synthesis, increasing sexual desire and preventing of bone loss, over production of androgen causes male like pattern, irregular menstrual cycle or absence of menstrual cycle leading to infertility. In Men, over production androgen by test causes lower quality of sperm and sperm production leading to male infertility.
2. Hyperthyroidism
It is defined as a condition in which our body produces too much thyroid hormone causing low levels of estrogen which can not trigger the production of LH then ovulation leading to infertility.
3. Hypothyroidism
As oppose to hyperthyroidism, it is defined as a condition in which our body produces very little thyroid hormone leading to irregular ovulation and increasing production of prolactin causing production of immature eggs from the ovaries resulting in infertility.
4. Luteal phase defect
Luteal phrase is defined as the second half of the menstrual cycle that occurs between ovulation and menstruation. At the beginning of this phrase, after releasing of the egg, the levels of progesterone increase leading to uterine inning thickening to support the implantation of embryo. Luteal phrase defect is caused by uterine inning does not develop properly, thereby does not response to high levels of progesterone stimulation preventing fertilized egg implantation resulting in miscarriage.
5. Low levels of Progesterone
Progesterone is vital for endometrial lining to become soft in helping implantation of fertilized egg, stimulate the production of sperm friendly mucus and open the cervical for sperm invasion. Deficiency of progesterone interferes with those processes leading to infertility as sperm can not enter the Fallopian tube.
6. High levels of Estrogen
Estrogen is vital for starting the women menstrual, but the levels remain high over the cycle will prevent ovulation.
7. Testosterone
Testosterone not only is vital for maintaining penis erection, sexual desire but also helps in healthy sperm production. Unbalance of levels of testosterone in men interferes with sperm production.
I hope the series of fertility and fertility will help you understanding more of the causes of infertility in women and men, if you need more information or you want to read about the above subject, please visit
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