Symptoms and Diagnosis of Alcoholism, Addiction
What Is Alcoholism?
Alcohol problems occur at different levels of severity, from mild and annoying to life-threatening. Although alcohol dependence (alcoholism) is the most severe problem, less severe drinking problems can also be dangerous. The term "alcoholism" refers to a disease known as alcohol dependence syndrome, the most severe stage of a range of drinking problems.
- What Is Alcoholism?
- How Much Alcohol Is Too Much?
- What Do We Mean By Alcoholism?
- Types of Alcohol Problems
- Binge Drinking
- What Is Alcohol Abuse?
- What Is At-Risk Drinking?
- Do You Know a Functional Alcoholic?
- Problem Drinkers
- But It Doesn't Act Like a Disease!
- Alcohol Abuse vs. Alcohol Dependence
- Biggest Relapse Triggers?
Symptoms of Alcoholism
Alcoholism is called a progressive disease, meaning that over time the symptoms and effects of drinking alcohol become more intense and severe. The symptoms in the early stages differ from those during later stages as the disease progresses from binge drinking to alcohol abuse to alcohol dependence.
- Symptoms of Alcoholism
- What Is a Safe Level of Drinking?
- Top Myths About Drinking Alcohol
- Do Only Alcoholics Have Problems With Alcohol?
- What Are the Signs of a Drinking Problem?
- Alcohol Abuse vs. Alcohol Dependence
- How Can I Tell If I Have a Drinking Problem?
- Seven Symptoms of Alcoholism
- Hiding Your Drinking?
- Alcoholism Screening Quiz
Self-Assessment Quizzes
Alcoholism and addictions can develop so slowly and insidiously that you sometimes don't notice the effects that it has on your life and others around you. These self-assessment quizzes are designed to help you determine just how much you may have been affected and whether or not you need to seek help.
- Alcohol Abuse Screening Quiz
- Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms Quiz
- Marijuana Problem Screening Quiz
- Marijuana Withdrawal Symptoms Quiz
- Drug Abuse Screening Quiz
- Cocaine Problem Screening Quiz
- Adult Children of Alcoholics Quiz
- Are You Troubled by Someone's Drinking?
- Did You Grow Up with a Problem Drinker?
- Are You Enabling an Alcoholic?
- Is Your Child Using Drugs?
- Could You Be Depressed?
Diagnostic Tests
Because alcoholics are likely to deny or minimize the amount of alcohol they consume, most alcohol screening tests ask questions about problems usually caused by excessive drinking, rather than ask about how much the person drinks. More and more short tests have been developed in recent years so they can be easily administered in busy healthcare settings.
Diagnosing Alcoholism
Because one of the most common symptoms of alcoholism is denial, diagnosing alcoholism can be difficult -- the diagnosis depends on the individual's willingness to answer questions about their drinking honestly. Usually, the friends and family members closest to the drinker see the problem long before it is diagnosed in a medical setting.
Is Alcoholism Inherited?
Alcoholism does tend to run in families, and scientific studies indicate that genetics play a role in a person's risk of developing alcohol problems. But research also shows that a individual's environment and peer influences also affect the risk of becoming alcoholic.
What Is Drug Abuse?
Generally, when most people talk about substance abuse, they are referring to the use of illegal drugs. But the broad range of substance abuse in today's society is not that simple. There are substances that can be abused for their mood-altering effects that are not drugs at all -- inhalants and solvents -- and there are drugs that can be abused that have few mood-altering or intoxication properties, such as anabolic steroids.
Commonly Abused Drugs
There are an estimated 15.9 million illicit drug users in the United States, according to the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, and that number does not count those who abuse prescription drugs, over-the-counter medication, alcohol or other substances. These are some of the most commonly abused drugs.