Annular Tears: About the Injury
To understand what an annular tear is, one must first understand the anatomy of the spinal cord.
The spine is composed of different pieces of bone known as the vertebrae.
Between each vertebrae is what is known as the intervertebral disc - this has a center called the nucleus pulposus which is surrounded by the annulus fibrosis.
Should this outer material tear or rip in any way, the inner material will escape - coming into contact with the painful nerve fibers in the outer material.
The resulting reaction is exceptionally painful and is often referred to as Internal Disc Disruption.
In some cases, depending on the extent of the injury, the nucleus might escape enough to break completely through.
When this occurs, it is what is commonly known as a disc herniation.
While a minor injury of this nature can heal on its own within a few weeks, should it be severe enough, it could require surgery to correct it.
Common symptoms of an annular tear include the enormous amount of back pain that a patient will be experiencing.
They can also experience some numbness or tingling in the area, as well as weakness throughout the body or located to a specific region.
Should any of these symptoms be noted, it is extremely important that immediate steps are taken to seek medical attention.
In regards to treating cases of annular tears, most commonly nonsurgical means are tried first.
This can include everything from low-impact exercises to strengthen the area, hot / cold compresses and even over-the-counter medication to help control the pain.
Other nonsurgical methods of treatment include the usage of epidurals, deep tissue massage, hydrotherapy and ultrasound treatments.
Should this, however, not be enough to help treat the issue, surgical intervention may be necessary.
There are many different causes of annular tears - which can range from extended periods of sitting or repetitive exercise, as well as more traumatic accidents.
If you or a loved one have recently experienced an annular tear which was caused by the actions of a third party, it Is extremely important that you do not hesitate to get the involvement of an experienced personal injury lawyer that you can trust to protect your legal rights.
In certain situations where a third party caused you serious injury, you could be able to file a claim to recover just compensation to cover damages that you have sustained - such as the cost of medical treatment, loss of wages and even pain and suffering.
The spine is composed of different pieces of bone known as the vertebrae.
Between each vertebrae is what is known as the intervertebral disc - this has a center called the nucleus pulposus which is surrounded by the annulus fibrosis.
Should this outer material tear or rip in any way, the inner material will escape - coming into contact with the painful nerve fibers in the outer material.
The resulting reaction is exceptionally painful and is often referred to as Internal Disc Disruption.
In some cases, depending on the extent of the injury, the nucleus might escape enough to break completely through.
When this occurs, it is what is commonly known as a disc herniation.
While a minor injury of this nature can heal on its own within a few weeks, should it be severe enough, it could require surgery to correct it.
Common symptoms of an annular tear include the enormous amount of back pain that a patient will be experiencing.
They can also experience some numbness or tingling in the area, as well as weakness throughout the body or located to a specific region.
Should any of these symptoms be noted, it is extremely important that immediate steps are taken to seek medical attention.
In regards to treating cases of annular tears, most commonly nonsurgical means are tried first.
This can include everything from low-impact exercises to strengthen the area, hot / cold compresses and even over-the-counter medication to help control the pain.
Other nonsurgical methods of treatment include the usage of epidurals, deep tissue massage, hydrotherapy and ultrasound treatments.
Should this, however, not be enough to help treat the issue, surgical intervention may be necessary.
There are many different causes of annular tears - which can range from extended periods of sitting or repetitive exercise, as well as more traumatic accidents.
If you or a loved one have recently experienced an annular tear which was caused by the actions of a third party, it Is extremely important that you do not hesitate to get the involvement of an experienced personal injury lawyer that you can trust to protect your legal rights.
In certain situations where a third party caused you serious injury, you could be able to file a claim to recover just compensation to cover damages that you have sustained - such as the cost of medical treatment, loss of wages and even pain and suffering.