Cloth Diaper Tips
More and more parents are making the switch from disposable diapers to cloth diapers. For parents considering the change, or new parents planning on diapering their newborn in cloth diapers, the following tips will be helpful.
Cloth diapers provide parents with an affordable, all natural, environmentally friendly alternative to disposable diapers. Finding the right cloth diaper retailer is key.
- Have Enough Diapers. At the least, you need 24 diapers to cloth diaper a newborn. This will have you washing every other day, which is manageable. Any fewer than 24 diapers and you'll likely run out and get frustrated. A supply of 36 or more cloth diapers will spread your laundry out to once every 3 days.
- Have Diapers that Fit Well. Ill-fitting diapers can cause leaks. Nothing is more frustrating than having leaking diapers. One of the ways to ensure your diapers won't leak is to make sure the diapers you are using fit your baby correctly. Newborns will do best in small diapers specifically made for their small size. For many babies, it may just be too early to use one-size cloth diapers. In such cases, a newborn cloth diaper rental program could be a perfect fit. The Kissaluvs rental program is particularly popular. The BumGenius All In One XS diapers are a very popular choice for newborns as well.
- Have Diapering Supplies Handy for Changing Time. To make for quick and easy changes, find a good place to keep all of your cloth diaper changing supplies together. Newborns have a tendency to pee and poop as soon as the diaper is off, so it's a good idea to avoid using your bedspread as the changing pad!
- Plain and Simple Water Wipes are Best. Because newborn skin is very sensitive, it is highly recommended to use pure warm water on a cloth wipe for wiping newborns. Store bought wipes contain chemicals that can be irritating to the sensitive skin of newborn babies. Warm water will do the trick. You may want to consider a pre-made or homemade wipe solution for when your baby gets older, but for those early weeks, just use plain water.
- Try to Get All Supplies 2 Weeks Before Your Due Date. This way, you can wash it all, organize it all, and have time left over to adore how cute newborn diapers are! If you choose to utilize a cloth diaper rental program, most cloth diaper retailers will ship it 2 weeks before your due date so that there's time to get set up.
Cloth diapers provide parents with an affordable, all natural, environmentally friendly alternative to disposable diapers. Finding the right cloth diaper retailer is key.