How to Make a Bubble Net
- 1). Bend the wire coat hanger into a circular shape by pulling the wire outward in all directions. Bend the hook of the hanger up so the end meets the base of the hanger.
- 2). Tie the yarn around the base of the hook. Wrap the yarn around the circle of the hanger, completely covering the wire if possible. Once you reach the hook, secure the loose end with a piece of duct tape.
- 3). Cut another piece of yarn. Tie it to one end of your yarn-wrapped circle, and pull it across so it forms the diameter. Tie to the other side, and repeat with as many strings as desired. Don't worry if your net isn't perfectly symmetrical as long as you create lots of small spaces.
- 4). Wrap the hook of the hanger completely with duct tape. To use the bubble net, dip the string mesh into a pie pan of bubble solution, and then wave back and forth to produce lots of small bubbles.