What Are the Treatments for Dog Dandruff?
- Keep your dog groomed.Two Dogs image by ziggyhendry from Fotolia.com
Just like humans, dogs can develop dandruff--an accumulation of dry skin that builds up and flakes off. All dogs develop flaky skin on occasion, but some dogs have trouble with dandruff, sometimes as a result of poor diet or weather conditions. Always provide water for your dog and encourage him to drink. Keeping your dog hydrated on the inside will help maintain balance in the body and reduce the incidence of dandruff. In addition, feed your dog a nutrient-dense dog food to ensure that he is getting enough vitamins A and E. - One treatment for dog dandruff is olive oil, which is loaded with essential fatty acids called omega-3 fats. Those fats nourish and lubricate the skin, and your dog will benefit from a daily rub of olive oil. Other oils are also effective if you prefer a different smell--for example, grape seed oil or coconut oil. Give your dog 1 tablespoon of cod liver oil daily to hydrate his body and promote a shiny coat.
- Dry brushing involves using pet grooming tools such as brushes and combs to slough off dead skin. Use a wooden brush with firm plastic bristles. To keep dandruff away, you can brush your dog twice daily. Dry brushing encourages your dog's skin to produce more oil, which will help reduce dandruff as well. As you continue to brush your dog, in time you may notice that you do not need to brush him as often. If your dog is prone to dry skin, do not give him a bath every day because this can strip his skin of essential moisture. Instead, give him a bath only when he is dirty. When you do give him a bath, use moisturizing shampoo and conditioner on his coat.
- Another cause of dandruff is cheyletiella mites. If you suspect that your dog's dandruff is caused by mites, buy topical mite medication at a pet store. The topical solution will kill the mites, and in time your dog's dandruff will clear up. Keep in mind that your dog's dandruff can also be caused by more than one problem. For instance, you might clear up a mite problem and notice that your dog still has dry skin. If this is the case, continue brushing your dog and rubbing olive oil on his body. Some dogs are just prone to dry skin.
Olive Oil
Dry Brushing
Mite Treament