The Most Important Direction of the Master Cleanse and the Lemonade Diet - The Salt Water Flush
There are three phases to the diet: Ease-in, The Master Cleanse, Ease-out.
Most other articles have explained The ingredients to Juice of the Master Cleanse - the Lemonade with maple syrup and cayenne pepper.
This article will focus on the Salt Water Flush, the process of creating a bowel movement eliminate waste during the cleanse, when you are no longer consuming any dietary fiber, which during your normal diet aides in the digestion and movement of food through your system.
Flush your system with the Salt Water Flush (SWF) The Salt Water Flush is very important.
Again, I choose to to the SWF in the evening.
The process is a commitment of sorts in itself.
Once you take the solution, you will have to be on guard, a bowel movement WILL be shortly coming.
By shortly I don't mean in 5 or even 15 minutes, but generally in 30-60 minutes until the first movement.
The last movements will begin to wind down an hour or so after they begin.
This is a, ahem...
crappy process, and so there is really no way to sugar coat it.
The next few paragraphs will describe in detail what you can expect.
Ingredients to the Salt Water Flush
NOTE: There has been many questions about this process.
It seems it doesn't work for everyone.
The fact is it will work for absolutely everyone.
You may have to adjust the amount of salt to create the right solution.
Also make sure you don't used Iodized table salt.
Organic sea salt is needed or unrefined mineral salt.
Directions to the Salt Water Flush Shake it well and move to the sink.
I like to "pound it" perhaps because I like to pretend I am still in college and the Sea Salt is actually a keg stand.
I also move into the bathroom and in front of the mirror.
Somehow by watching myself I can manage to drink the whole liter in one try, and spill very little.
This too is a challenge in itself, especially once your stomach has become very small from taking no solids.
You can feel full half way through but I just keep going.
Stopping makes me taste the salt and the gags follow.
While it is not required to drink the solution in one go, you will find that the taste is such that you will want to get it down quickly.
It is not awful, but it is not exactly pleasant, and therefore I choose to get it over with.
I also like the little challenge.
After you have consumed the solution, you can go about your evening until nature calls.
Some suggest lying on your right hand side to aid the solution on its journey through your digestive track, although I don't find this especially helpful and so I don"t bother.
If after a few hours you had no results, don't despair, just try again in the evening or morning after but adjust your salt levels.
Make sure you are using non iodized sea salt.
What to expect after the Salt Water Flush When you first feel the rumble in your belly and your bowels, don't go running off to the bathroom.
Give it a while.
Let it brew! Yeah that is weird to think about, but you should let it build up.
You are going to have 3-7 movements or even more.
Generally speaking, you will end up pushing out what you put in.
The entire liter of Sea Salt water will be immediately expelled.
This is because the solution is indigestible.
You may have heard that if you are stranded at sea that you will become more dehydrated if you drink the sea water.
This is why.
It just comes right out of you because the mixture has the same gravity as your blood and is not absorbed.
Of Course along with the sea salt, you will be expelling waste.
During the first 2 days you will be moving out remaining solid matter in the digestive track from the days previous.
If you began your diet immediately this will be more true than if you Eased-in, and therefore have only juice in your system.
Nevertheless, for each day you will expel solid matter.
Gross to be certain, but also empowering.
You really begin to understand that this process is worthwhile when you recognize the waste being removed that has been stored in your body for months, even decades.
Once you feel you can no longer hold out, go to the bathroom.
A word of warning while you wait for this moment.
DO NOT FART! You will most certainly not pass only air - if you know what I mean.
This is also true throughout the rest of your day.
Don't be fooled or you will be leaving work to change your shorts.
The first movement will be rather large and fairly powerful.
You will want to flush almost immediately.
If you dare, have a look to understand the whole messy details.
Stay near the toilet and continue to move until the frequency eases.
Once you can go 15 minutes without a serious movement, you are safe to go about your day.
For this reason I choose to undergo this process in the evening, with nowhere else to go for the rest of the day.
(Also because I like to have a shower following - and truth be told, I am not exactly a morning person.
) In my mind this is the most important part of The Master Cleanse and Lemonade Diet.
The directions are very simple, the process a little gross, but the results are empowering.
When you see you are getting cleaner and cleaner every day you get very excited.
Good luck to every one who tries this life changing experience.
Most other articles have explained The ingredients to Juice of the Master Cleanse - the Lemonade with maple syrup and cayenne pepper.
This article will focus on the Salt Water Flush, the process of creating a bowel movement eliminate waste during the cleanse, when you are no longer consuming any dietary fiber, which during your normal diet aides in the digestion and movement of food through your system.
Flush your system with the Salt Water Flush (SWF) The Salt Water Flush is very important.
Again, I choose to to the SWF in the evening.
The process is a commitment of sorts in itself.
Once you take the solution, you will have to be on guard, a bowel movement WILL be shortly coming.
By shortly I don't mean in 5 or even 15 minutes, but generally in 30-60 minutes until the first movement.
The last movements will begin to wind down an hour or so after they begin.
This is a, ahem...
crappy process, and so there is really no way to sugar coat it.
The next few paragraphs will describe in detail what you can expect.
Ingredients to the Salt Water Flush
- 1 quart/liter Chug-able Bottle (open mouthed)
- 2 level teaspoons of unrefined mineral salt or organic sea salt
NOTE: There has been many questions about this process.
It seems it doesn't work for everyone.
The fact is it will work for absolutely everyone.
You may have to adjust the amount of salt to create the right solution.
Also make sure you don't used Iodized table salt.
Organic sea salt is needed or unrefined mineral salt.
Directions to the Salt Water Flush Shake it well and move to the sink.
I like to "pound it" perhaps because I like to pretend I am still in college and the Sea Salt is actually a keg stand.
I also move into the bathroom and in front of the mirror.
Somehow by watching myself I can manage to drink the whole liter in one try, and spill very little.
This too is a challenge in itself, especially once your stomach has become very small from taking no solids.
You can feel full half way through but I just keep going.
Stopping makes me taste the salt and the gags follow.
While it is not required to drink the solution in one go, you will find that the taste is such that you will want to get it down quickly.
It is not awful, but it is not exactly pleasant, and therefore I choose to get it over with.
I also like the little challenge.
After you have consumed the solution, you can go about your evening until nature calls.
Some suggest lying on your right hand side to aid the solution on its journey through your digestive track, although I don't find this especially helpful and so I don"t bother.
If after a few hours you had no results, don't despair, just try again in the evening or morning after but adjust your salt levels.
Make sure you are using non iodized sea salt.
What to expect after the Salt Water Flush When you first feel the rumble in your belly and your bowels, don't go running off to the bathroom.
Give it a while.
Let it brew! Yeah that is weird to think about, but you should let it build up.
You are going to have 3-7 movements or even more.
Generally speaking, you will end up pushing out what you put in.
The entire liter of Sea Salt water will be immediately expelled.
This is because the solution is indigestible.
You may have heard that if you are stranded at sea that you will become more dehydrated if you drink the sea water.
This is why.
It just comes right out of you because the mixture has the same gravity as your blood and is not absorbed.
Of Course along with the sea salt, you will be expelling waste.
During the first 2 days you will be moving out remaining solid matter in the digestive track from the days previous.
If you began your diet immediately this will be more true than if you Eased-in, and therefore have only juice in your system.
Nevertheless, for each day you will expel solid matter.
Gross to be certain, but also empowering.
You really begin to understand that this process is worthwhile when you recognize the waste being removed that has been stored in your body for months, even decades.
Once you feel you can no longer hold out, go to the bathroom.
A word of warning while you wait for this moment.
DO NOT FART! You will most certainly not pass only air - if you know what I mean.
This is also true throughout the rest of your day.
Don't be fooled or you will be leaving work to change your shorts.
The first movement will be rather large and fairly powerful.
You will want to flush almost immediately.
If you dare, have a look to understand the whole messy details.
Stay near the toilet and continue to move until the frequency eases.
Once you can go 15 minutes without a serious movement, you are safe to go about your day.
For this reason I choose to undergo this process in the evening, with nowhere else to go for the rest of the day.
(Also because I like to have a shower following - and truth be told, I am not exactly a morning person.
) In my mind this is the most important part of The Master Cleanse and Lemonade Diet.
The directions are very simple, the process a little gross, but the results are empowering.
When you see you are getting cleaner and cleaner every day you get very excited.
Good luck to every one who tries this life changing experience.