Melbourne Jazz Night Clubs
- Melbourne may seem like it's worlds away from major jazz hubs like New York and Paris, but jazz is alive and well in Australia's second largest city. Melbourne is home to dozens of world-class jazz venues where you'll hear both local and international performers any night of the week. Melbourne's annual International Jazz Festival attracts big name acts from the US, Europe and beyond, many of whom stick around and hit up the local jam sessions before continuing on their way. Be sure to check local listings for the latest information on scheduled performances and jam sessions.
- With its cheeky slogan "Putting the cat back in scat," this 1930s French-inspired jazz venue hosts local and international artists six nights a week. Established in 2006, The Paris Cat is one of Melbourne's premier jazz clubs and is committed to supporting the music and the musicians, wherever they hail from. In addition, The Paris Cat serves a classy menu featuring a variety of domestic wines, classic cocktails and an assortment of tapas. The Paris Cat also offers a scoop of ice cream with a shot of Bailey's to satisfy your sweet tooth. The music generally starts around 9 pm and continues until the wee hours. Expect to pay no more than $15 at the door.
The Paris Cat
Basement, 6 Goldie Place
Melbourne 3000
+61 (03) 9642-4711 - Two-time winner of the Bell Award for "Best Australian Jazz Club," Bennetts Lane hosts an all star list of the country's best musicians and visiting bands from around the world. While you will find a mix of company, including university students, business professionals and travelers, Bennett Lane really bills itself as a musician's club, a place where jazz players and aficionados can get together to celebrate the music. Although its back-lane location makes it a bit hard to find, Bennetts Lane is worth seeking out, even if you're not that into jazz. Bennetts features a nice bar menu so you can enjoy a martini or white wine by the glass while listening to top-notch musicians.
Bennetts Lane
25 Bennetts Lane
Melbourne 3000
+61 (03) 9663-2856 - Dizzy's Jazz Club's mission is "To provide a first class venue, to hear the best Jazz in Australia together with good food and excellent wines, and to give up and coming young musicians an opportunity to play." The last part is key because Dizzy's is one of the few jazz clubs in the city that offers a weekly jam session where rising jazz stars can hone their skills. Check out Dizzy's on Friday and Saturday afternoons to hear Melbourne's newest talents strut their stuff (5:30 pm to 8 pm, free entrance). In addition, this popular jazz venue in the Richmond area of Melbourne hosts a wide range of top Australian and international artists. Wednesday nights are reserved for the exceptional Dizzy's Big Band, a traditional jazz orchestra with special weekly guest artists. Dizzy's also offers a simple but tasty menu and extensive cocktail list.
381 Burnley Street
Richmond 3121
+61 (03) 9428-1233
The Paris Cat
Bennetts Lane
Dizzy's Jazz Club