Weekly Sighting Reports-03-06-09
California-02-24-09-I was driving back home with my friend from Vijeas Casino in San Diego County when we saw three red-orange lights in the shape of triangle. I looked at my friend and asked him, "Is that a UFO?" and he said, "No, that's probably some lights in the mountain."
But as we were driving towards the lights we realized there is no mountain anywhere near the object, and we astonished at what we were witnessing.
We stopped by this turnout before getting to freeway 8-W at approximately 1:15 AM, and we saw the lights moving slowly in a triangular shape getting closer and closer.
We tried to take a picture with our cell phone, but it was too dark and did not turn out. As the object get closer, we could see that it was rotating. The first light began to disappear, and then every fifteen seconds another one would dim out, until they were nowhere to be seen. source: www.mufon.com
Maryland-02-17-09-My sister was outside in the front of our house and texted me to come outside. When I did, she pointed in the sky to a bright light that was moving very slowly to the right. It also had a blinking light on it.
After we ruled out that it was an airplane or a star or anything of that nature , I called a friend that lived about 15 minutes away and told him to go outside and look at the sky to see if he also saw this object.
He confirmed that he did. After that my sister and I watched it for about 10 minutes, then I went inside to get my camera, and when I came back out it was gone.
source: www.mufon.com
New Hampshire-01-26-09-Driving up Rt 16 passing through Rochester on the way to North Conway, my wife was on the phone with her mother, and also driving the car. I was in the passenger seat.
Around 10 PM, we both noticed a white-grey orb-like sphere come over the left side of the top of the trees, and heading toward our car. It ca,e down to over our roof as if it was going to crash into us. (kind of like if someone was throwing a snow ball at us from over a hill).
My wife screamed to her mom saying "What was that?" I was looking around to see if I could follow it, but the road was dark and trees on both sides, I don't know where it went or what it was. It came close enough to the windshield to see it really good, almost hitting it. source: www.mufon.com
Virginia-02-16-09-I was hanging with friends when suddenly I looked up and saw strange lights in the sky. I screamed UFO! at first kidding around, but then my friend is looking at the same lights and said it looked like a disc-shaped object.
It was moving pretty fast for an aircraft and it zig-zagged a lot. It was in the sky for about 5 minutes and then disappeared. A lot of aircraft were flying pretty low that night, which was unusual because I never see planes really flying my area.
It reappeared about 5 minutes after it disappeared. It again was zig-zagging around the sky and it finally disappeared for good. I was in shock the whole time because I was amazed at what I was seeing. source: www.mufon.com
But as we were driving towards the lights we realized there is no mountain anywhere near the object, and we astonished at what we were witnessing.
We stopped by this turnout before getting to freeway 8-W at approximately 1:15 AM, and we saw the lights moving slowly in a triangular shape getting closer and closer.
We tried to take a picture with our cell phone, but it was too dark and did not turn out. As the object get closer, we could see that it was rotating. The first light began to disappear, and then every fifteen seconds another one would dim out, until they were nowhere to be seen. source: www.mufon.com
Maryland-02-17-09-My sister was outside in the front of our house and texted me to come outside. When I did, she pointed in the sky to a bright light that was moving very slowly to the right. It also had a blinking light on it.
After we ruled out that it was an airplane or a star or anything of that nature , I called a friend that lived about 15 minutes away and told him to go outside and look at the sky to see if he also saw this object.
He confirmed that he did. After that my sister and I watched it for about 10 minutes, then I went inside to get my camera, and when I came back out it was gone.
source: www.mufon.com
New Hampshire-01-26-09-Driving up Rt 16 passing through Rochester on the way to North Conway, my wife was on the phone with her mother, and also driving the car. I was in the passenger seat.
Around 10 PM, we both noticed a white-grey orb-like sphere come over the left side of the top of the trees, and heading toward our car. It ca,e down to over our roof as if it was going to crash into us. (kind of like if someone was throwing a snow ball at us from over a hill).
My wife screamed to her mom saying "What was that?" I was looking around to see if I could follow it, but the road was dark and trees on both sides, I don't know where it went or what it was. It came close enough to the windshield to see it really good, almost hitting it. source: www.mufon.com
Virginia-02-16-09-I was hanging with friends when suddenly I looked up and saw strange lights in the sky. I screamed UFO! at first kidding around, but then my friend is looking at the same lights and said it looked like a disc-shaped object.
It was moving pretty fast for an aircraft and it zig-zagged a lot. It was in the sky for about 5 minutes and then disappeared. A lot of aircraft were flying pretty low that night, which was unusual because I never see planes really flying my area.
It reappeared about 5 minutes after it disappeared. It again was zig-zagging around the sky and it finally disappeared for good. I was in shock the whole time because I was amazed at what I was seeing. source: www.mufon.com