Color Film Developing Instructions
- 1). Set up a room with developer pots and lids, timer, spiral film holder and the appropriate chemicals. The room must be completely dark when the lights are off. If necessary, use a specially developed red bulb to see during the developing process.
- 2). Fill the developing pot with developing solution. Fill the bleach pot with bleaching solution and the third pot with fixer. Align the filled pots in a row on the table or counter in the room, developer first, bleach second and fixer third. Place the timer within easy reach.
- 3). Thread the film into a spiral holder. Insert a tapered end of the film into the center slot on the holder. Once the tip is secure, pull the lid off the developer pot (first pot). Turn off the lights and begin to turn the spiral holder clockwise. Allow the film to wrap around the centerpiece.
- 4). Lower the holder, with the film, into the developer pot. Replace the lid and start the timer. Set the timer following the instructions with each chemical. Agitate the pot up and down for 45 seconds. Stop for about 30 seconds then begin to agitate again for 15 seconds.
- 5). Pull the lid off the developer pot and lift the holder out. Allow the fluid to run off the film back into the pot for five seconds.
- 6). Remove the lid from the second pot (bleach). Lower the film into the bleach. Agitation time may vary; follow the instructions provided with the product. Remove the film from the bleach. Allow the solutions to run off the film before moving it to the third pot.
- 7). Set the film and holder down into the fixer pot. Agitate as before following the instructions provided with the fixer. Remove the film from the fixer and allow to drain.
- 8). Hold the film under warm water for 10 minutes. The water should not be cold or hot, but tepid.
- 9). Shake excess water off the film and dry it with a soft, lint-free cloth, such as a chamois.
- 10
Hang the film and let it dry completely.