How to Use Pantyhose to Clean Dirt in a Pool Vacuum
- 1). Cut off one leg of a pair of pantyhose using a pair of scissors. Make the cut approximately 6 to 12 inches from the toe.
- 2). Go to your pool skimmer filter, which is typically a round, plastic circle near the pool deck. Lift up to remove the cover.
- 3). Lift up the skimmer basket and stretch the pantyhose over the bottom of it so that the hose comes all the way up the sides but not over the top. Place the basket back into the ground and replace the cover.
- 4). Attach the hose of the pool vacuum to the skimmer using the vacuum's instructions. Turn the vacuum on and place it in the pool to begin vacuuming.
- 5). Wait until the pool is clean and then shut off the pool vacuum and detach it from the skimmer.
- 6). Open the skimmer cover and lift out the skimmer basket. Pull the pantyhose off the bottom and dump out any debris inside the basket. Rinse the basket with a garden hose and then replace it. Place the cover back on the skimmer.