Directions for Playing Marbles
- 1). Mark a circle 6 feet in diameter on the ground, using a stick or chalk to draw the line.
- 2). Place the 49 smaller marbles together in a large group in the middle of your circle.
- 3). Select one player from each team to each hold her large marble (called a tolley or shooter) to her nose, letting it drop into the circle. The player whose tolley lands closest to the edge of the circle goes first. Both the team and player shoot alternate after each turn.
- 4). Stand at the edge of the circle, and flick your tolley at the mass of smaller marbles. Every marble knocked out of the circle is a point scored for the team shooting.
- 5). Continue shooting until you either fail to knock a marble out of the circle or your tolley lands outside the circle. Shoot consecutive shots from where the tolley landed after the previous shot.
- 6). Avoid shots that result in no marbles knocked out and your tolley remaining inside the circle. Your tolley can then be knocked out by the opposing team. If it is, that team does not receive a point, but you receive a handicap: you must shoot the rest of the game with your shooting knuckle on the ground.
- 7). End the game when all marbles have been knocked from the ring. The team with the most marbles wins.