To Make Money Online You Need The Right Mindset
Almost every report you pick up on Internet marketing and business success will deal with the mechanics of the business. For example, you'll learn how to find hungry niche markets. You'll learn how to create products that are in demand. You'll learn how to create a website and drive traffic to this website. You'll learn how to convert these visitors into buyers through good sales copy and via building relationships.
If you really strip the formula down, it's easy: find a hungry market, give them what they want and put your offer right in front of them.
But if it's so dang easy, how come we're not all multi-millionaires? Why is it that two people in the exact same niche who have the exact same knowledge obtain such vastly different results?
The answer is simple: because business is not all about mechanics and plugging in formulas.
The biggest element that separates the successful from the unsuccessful and the rich from the poor isn't their knowledge or skill levels, but rather their mindset.
Successful people simply have a different mindset than unsuccessful people. If you're inflexible and set in your ways, then you have little hope of changing your mindset and attitudes to get on the track to success. However, the very fact that you're reading this report shows that you're open and willing to change.
So let's talk about mindset. There are plenty of mindset components that come into play when we're talking about analyzing a successful mindset - overcoming fear, a burning desire to succeed, a good reason why we want to succeed, and so many more.
Although there are many characteristics of successful people could talk about, for the purposes of this report we're going to focus on two: believing in one's self, and taking responsibility.
Belief in Self
The limitations we experience in life are often the result of our own mental limitations.
Consider for a moment the hoopla surrounding Roger Bannister when he broke the four-minute mile. Previous to him setting this record, most people considered it impossible to run a mile in less than four minutes.
Indeed, I bet there were people in Bannister's time who were physically capable of running a four-minute mile, but was held back by their mental limitation that said it was impossible to do so.
Once Bannister did it, however, many people followed suit. Indeed, the record has been broken since by almost 17 seconds. All it took was for people to change their mindset and believe they could do it. Once they believed it, they did it (provided of course they had the physical skills to match).
The same is true in your business. Do you believe you can make one hundred dollars? Do you believe you can make one thousand dollars? Do you believe you can make six figures? How about seven figures?
Chances are, you already hold some sort of limitation in your mind, an amount that you believe you can make. If you currently work an outside job, your current salary is a pretty good indication of how much you'll make in your business...unless you consciously decide to do more, and believe you can do it.
What do I mean?
If you make $25,000 at your current job, then you'll probably make right around that amount unless you decide to make more. If you make $50,000 at your current job, than you can expect to make that amount in your business. In short - whatever amount you make at your job is roughly what you can expect to make at your business.
But you don't have to bow down to your mind's limits. Instead, be open and be free. Choose to make more. Believe that you can. Make it so. All you need to do is free your mind.
A few years ago I experienced first-hand the limitations I allowed my mind to put on my activities. Let me explain...
I had just recently started weightlifting. One day I loaded up 70 pounds on the barbell to do a back exercise. The previous week when I did this particular exercise I had used the same weight - 70 pounds - and found it extremely difficult. I was only able to pull a few repetitions per set - so instead of getting in about eight reps, I was doing half that.
Nonetheless, I decided to stick with the same weight and see if I could do better. I expected it to be difficult but a little easier this week - perhaps doing five or more reps per set.
As expected, it was difficult but doable. I improved over my previous week just as I had hoped by knocking out about six reps per set. I was pleased.
After a rest I decided to do another exercise and so had to remove the weight from the bar. That's when I noticed it - instead of putting 70 pounds on the bar, I had put 80 pounds on the bar!
I was able to do more reps with more weight simply because my mind didn't KNOW that I was lifting an extra ten pounds! Had I knowingly loaded up 80 pounds on the bar that day, I wouldn't have eeked out more than a rep or two, because that's what my mind believed I could do at that point in time.
My mind believed I could do five or six reps with 70 pounds, so that's exactly what I did - around six reps. But naturally since my mind didn't know I was dealing with more weight, I was able to complete the task.
All of this made me wonder what other limitations I had put on myself, and what sorts of limitations others put on themselves every day. If you aren't making what you want to make with your business, there's a good chance that you've set up a limitation in your mind.
Let's suppose you are making $100 a month, but you want to get to the $10,000 a month level. The truth is if you can make $100, then you can make $10,000...after all, the first dollar is really the hardest, and after that it's a matter of replicating what works, leveraging your previous success to snowball it into more success, and so on.
But of course many people don't shoot from $100 to $10,000 overnight. Their mind needs to adjust to the idea. If they could free their mind, they could meet their income goals.
Hence the big question: how can you ever get to a higher level if your mind isn't ready?
The answer is to start taking smaller steps.
You see, many people do it the other way. When they decide they want something, they take big steps to get what they want. For example, if they want to make $10,000 a month, they roll out big plans for big web businesses.
But if their mind isn't ready for this type of success, they won't get there. Maybe they'll sabotage themselves by doing something like choosing bad business partners or making other poor decisions.
Forget about those big steps. If your mind isn't ready, it won't work.
Instead, take small steps to begin building bridges between what you know you can do and what you want to do.
For example, let's go back to the example of a person making $100 a month who'd like to be making $10,000 a month. In this scenario the person needs to find what she is comfortable making, what seems doable. If $1000 seems doable, but $2500 seems like a bit of a stretch, then this person's first goal is to reach an income of $1000 a month.
Now $2500 likely doesn't seem like such a stretch, but perhaps $4000 a month does. So the person starts aiming to go from $1000 a month to $2500. When she reaches that amount, it's likely the $4000 doesn't seem like a stretch any more because she's almost there. She'll continue on, taking small steps to bridge what she's doing with what she knows she can do, until she finally reaches her goal.
I've talked to several people who've had big launch days, and the same thing applies here. If your mind is not ready to accept the fact that you can make a four, five or even six figure amount in a day or two, it won't happen for you. Define the amount you believe you can make in 24 hours and do it. Then shoot for a bigger and bigger amount each time.
The same thing applies to a launch day as to a business in general. If you know how to make $100 on your launch day, then you know how to make more (four, five or six figures). It comes down to taking massive action. But if your mind isn't up to it, you'll find all sorts of resistance (you may even get sick during a critical time before your launch, which is a way to sabotage yourself).
So to recap: you likely already know HOW to make more money. Now you just need to free your mind to believe that you can do it. Once you truly and fully accept that you can do it, you WILL do it.
Successful people know that training their mind to accept success is just as important as studying marketing methods. Actually, it's probably more important as knowing everything in the world about marketing is worthless if your mind's not ready.
If you really strip the formula down, it's easy: find a hungry market, give them what they want and put your offer right in front of them.
But if it's so dang easy, how come we're not all multi-millionaires? Why is it that two people in the exact same niche who have the exact same knowledge obtain such vastly different results?
The answer is simple: because business is not all about mechanics and plugging in formulas.
The biggest element that separates the successful from the unsuccessful and the rich from the poor isn't their knowledge or skill levels, but rather their mindset.
Successful people simply have a different mindset than unsuccessful people. If you're inflexible and set in your ways, then you have little hope of changing your mindset and attitudes to get on the track to success. However, the very fact that you're reading this report shows that you're open and willing to change.
So let's talk about mindset. There are plenty of mindset components that come into play when we're talking about analyzing a successful mindset - overcoming fear, a burning desire to succeed, a good reason why we want to succeed, and so many more.
Although there are many characteristics of successful people could talk about, for the purposes of this report we're going to focus on two: believing in one's self, and taking responsibility.
Belief in Self
The limitations we experience in life are often the result of our own mental limitations.
Consider for a moment the hoopla surrounding Roger Bannister when he broke the four-minute mile. Previous to him setting this record, most people considered it impossible to run a mile in less than four minutes.
Indeed, I bet there were people in Bannister's time who were physically capable of running a four-minute mile, but was held back by their mental limitation that said it was impossible to do so.
Once Bannister did it, however, many people followed suit. Indeed, the record has been broken since by almost 17 seconds. All it took was for people to change their mindset and believe they could do it. Once they believed it, they did it (provided of course they had the physical skills to match).
The same is true in your business. Do you believe you can make one hundred dollars? Do you believe you can make one thousand dollars? Do you believe you can make six figures? How about seven figures?
Chances are, you already hold some sort of limitation in your mind, an amount that you believe you can make. If you currently work an outside job, your current salary is a pretty good indication of how much you'll make in your business...unless you consciously decide to do more, and believe you can do it.
What do I mean?
If you make $25,000 at your current job, then you'll probably make right around that amount unless you decide to make more. If you make $50,000 at your current job, than you can expect to make that amount in your business. In short - whatever amount you make at your job is roughly what you can expect to make at your business.
But you don't have to bow down to your mind's limits. Instead, be open and be free. Choose to make more. Believe that you can. Make it so. All you need to do is free your mind.
A few years ago I experienced first-hand the limitations I allowed my mind to put on my activities. Let me explain...
I had just recently started weightlifting. One day I loaded up 70 pounds on the barbell to do a back exercise. The previous week when I did this particular exercise I had used the same weight - 70 pounds - and found it extremely difficult. I was only able to pull a few repetitions per set - so instead of getting in about eight reps, I was doing half that.
Nonetheless, I decided to stick with the same weight and see if I could do better. I expected it to be difficult but a little easier this week - perhaps doing five or more reps per set.
As expected, it was difficult but doable. I improved over my previous week just as I had hoped by knocking out about six reps per set. I was pleased.
After a rest I decided to do another exercise and so had to remove the weight from the bar. That's when I noticed it - instead of putting 70 pounds on the bar, I had put 80 pounds on the bar!
I was able to do more reps with more weight simply because my mind didn't KNOW that I was lifting an extra ten pounds! Had I knowingly loaded up 80 pounds on the bar that day, I wouldn't have eeked out more than a rep or two, because that's what my mind believed I could do at that point in time.
My mind believed I could do five or six reps with 70 pounds, so that's exactly what I did - around six reps. But naturally since my mind didn't know I was dealing with more weight, I was able to complete the task.
All of this made me wonder what other limitations I had put on myself, and what sorts of limitations others put on themselves every day. If you aren't making what you want to make with your business, there's a good chance that you've set up a limitation in your mind.
Let's suppose you are making $100 a month, but you want to get to the $10,000 a month level. The truth is if you can make $100, then you can make $10,000...after all, the first dollar is really the hardest, and after that it's a matter of replicating what works, leveraging your previous success to snowball it into more success, and so on.
But of course many people don't shoot from $100 to $10,000 overnight. Their mind needs to adjust to the idea. If they could free their mind, they could meet their income goals.
Hence the big question: how can you ever get to a higher level if your mind isn't ready?
The answer is to start taking smaller steps.
You see, many people do it the other way. When they decide they want something, they take big steps to get what they want. For example, if they want to make $10,000 a month, they roll out big plans for big web businesses.
But if their mind isn't ready for this type of success, they won't get there. Maybe they'll sabotage themselves by doing something like choosing bad business partners or making other poor decisions.
Forget about those big steps. If your mind isn't ready, it won't work.
Instead, take small steps to begin building bridges between what you know you can do and what you want to do.
For example, let's go back to the example of a person making $100 a month who'd like to be making $10,000 a month. In this scenario the person needs to find what she is comfortable making, what seems doable. If $1000 seems doable, but $2500 seems like a bit of a stretch, then this person's first goal is to reach an income of $1000 a month.
Now $2500 likely doesn't seem like such a stretch, but perhaps $4000 a month does. So the person starts aiming to go from $1000 a month to $2500. When she reaches that amount, it's likely the $4000 doesn't seem like a stretch any more because she's almost there. She'll continue on, taking small steps to bridge what she's doing with what she knows she can do, until she finally reaches her goal.
I've talked to several people who've had big launch days, and the same thing applies here. If your mind is not ready to accept the fact that you can make a four, five or even six figure amount in a day or two, it won't happen for you. Define the amount you believe you can make in 24 hours and do it. Then shoot for a bigger and bigger amount each time.
The same thing applies to a launch day as to a business in general. If you know how to make $100 on your launch day, then you know how to make more (four, five or six figures). It comes down to taking massive action. But if your mind isn't up to it, you'll find all sorts of resistance (you may even get sick during a critical time before your launch, which is a way to sabotage yourself).
So to recap: you likely already know HOW to make more money. Now you just need to free your mind to believe that you can do it. Once you truly and fully accept that you can do it, you WILL do it.
Successful people know that training their mind to accept success is just as important as studying marketing methods. Actually, it's probably more important as knowing everything in the world about marketing is worthless if your mind's not ready.