Ideas for a Fourth Wedding Anniversary
- If you live in an area with an orchard nearby, take your partner apple picking to celebrate your anniversary. You can plan an entirely romantic date around the visit to the orchard, including a picnic beforehand. If your anniversary falls during berry season, go strawberry or blueberry picking instead. Picking strawberries may prove to be more messy than picking apples, though. You'll also lose the romantic element of having to hoist each other up to reach apples placed high on the tree.
- Couples who enjoy more practical entertainments may want to spend their fourth wedding anniversary picking out new appliances for the home. Purchasing new appliances is especially meaningful if you've just bought a house together for the first time. Make the appliance shopping date a little more romantic by preparing a special meal in your new oven when you get it home or using newly purchased small appliances, such as a mixer or blender, to prepare a special anniversary dessert. You can incorporate the fruit theme as well by baking a pear tart or lemon meringue pie.
- Even if you don't have much space, you can start a flower garden in honor of your fourth anniversary. Start by planting a small window box with a few of your favorite flowers. They'll last much longer than cut flowers and will allow you and your partner to spend some quality time together. Try planting the flowers you featured in your wedding if they grow well in your area. To create a garden that grows with your marriage, plant perennials, which will return year after year, instead of annuals, which die within a year.
- Another fourth anniversary theme is silk. Arrange for a luxurious weekend vacation by buying your spouse silky lingerie or silk boxers or briefs and booking a room at a local resort. If an expensive, luxury getaway isn't in your budget at the moment, you can still create a spa-like environment at home. Cover your bed with satin or silk sheets and sprinkle rose petals over them. Order take-out for two and spend the weekend pampering each other.
Apple Picking
New Appliances
Start a Flower Garden
Relax Together