Boar Hunting in Australia
- While boars can be found throughout the country, they are predominantly located in Queensland, New South Wales and across the top of the Northern Territory. Feral boars are omnivores and are typically found in wild grassland with grass making up the bulk of their diet. They are also found near mud wallows, leaving impressions of their belly skin in the mud.
- Boar hunting is permitted throughout the year, but early spring to late fall is considered the best time to hunt. Boar hunting tends to be the most productive during the early mornings and the late afternoons with boars moving about in search of food or watering areas. Months with higher temperatures like July and August are also ideal times for boar hunting due to the drier conditions.
- Numerous outfitters and safaris for boar hunting are available throughout Australia. These services will provide the necessary gear and firearms for hunters visiting the country, or they can arrange for import firearm permits for hunters who wish to bring their own firearms. Most safaris provide food and accommodations for their guests, preparation and shipping of any boar trophies and shuttle service to and from the airport.
- Boars have been known to carry diseases that can have an adverse affect on the human population. Boars also negatively impact agriculture by destroying crops, and they are known to prey on livestock and animals considered to be rare or endangered in Australia. Heavily rooted areas are an indication of boars in the area and also a clear mark of their destructive nature toward their environment.
- Boars are some of the most dangerous animals to hunt and the proper firepower and equipment are necessary for success. Binoculars, high seats, tree stands, loose fitting clothing and comfortable hunting boots are required for tracking and stalking boars. Boars are large creatures with tough exteriors requiring high powered rifles with heavy bullets. Any rifle around the 308 caliber should be sufficient, or a 30-06 rifle with its higher projectile velocity is suitable for the open areas.
Where to Hunt
When to Hunt
Outfitters and Safaris
Reasons to Hunt Boar
Hunting Equipment