How to Build an Elevated Deer Blind
- 1). Dig four holes on the site where you want your platform to be. The holes should be 2 feet deep and will become the corners of a square with 6-foot-long sides.
- 2). Mix the concrete and pour into the holes. Mount one 4-by-4 in each of the holes, one at a time. The four poles should all end up at about the same height, and the faces of the poles should align so that you can attach beams around the outside of the poles to form a frame.
- 3). Cut four sections of 2-by-4, one for each side of the square, long enough to span the gap between the poles.
- 4). Create a square frame around the four poles by bolting the 2-by-4 sections along the top of the poles, on the outside of the poles. Use the drill to create a hole through the beam and the pole, and secure with a bolt.
- 5). Cut three crossbeams long enough to span from one frame beam across to the opposite frame beam, and nail them in place, spaced evenly. The top of the blind will appear to be four equal rectangles when looked at from below.
- 6). Cut eight 10-foot-long sections of 2-by-4.
- 7). Brace the poles with two of the 10-foot beams crossing over each face of the square, forming an "X". One beam should run from below center on one pole to above center on an adjacent pole on the outside of the poles. The beam to complete the "X" would go from above center on the first pole to below center on the second pole on the inside of the frame.
- 8). Position the two pieces of plywood atop the blind, and nail into place. Orient the seam between the plywood perpendicular to the supporting crossbeams.