How to Convert 1 Usd to Gbp
- 1). Go to MSN Money's current exchange rates (see References).
- 2). Check that under the "Currencies" drop-down box, it is "Major Currencies."
- 3). Under the "Compare To" drop-down box, change it to "British Pound" and click "Compare." Then, 1 USD will equal the amount under the "In British Pound" column. This price can constantly change.
- 1). Go to the XE Currency Converter website (see References).
- 2). Check that "1" is entered under "Convert this amount."
- 3). Select "USD United States Dollars" from the drop-down list under "From this currency."
- 4). Select "GBP United Kingdom Pounds" from the drop-down list under "To this currency."
- 5). Select "Go!"
- 1). Go to Oanda's currency converter website (see References).
- 2). Select "US Dollar USD" from the "Currency I have" drop-down list.
- 3). Select "British Pound GBP" from the "Currency I want" drop-down list.
- 4). Enter "1" in the amount under "Currency I have." The amount on the "Currency I want" side will automatically convert.
MSN Money
XE Currency Converter