DUI Charges
DUI charges are driving under influence charges linked to those persons that are caught driving while intoxicated by alcohol.
It is an offense record that is issued to any person found to have consumed alcohol while driving and has been charged accordingly.
However, just because a person has been issued with DUI charge does not necessarily mean the person will be convicted for it.
As the saying goes the person is innocent till proven guilty in a court of law.
It is therefore necessary to have a good lawyer to defend a drinking and driving charge.
By having an expert lawyer that specializes in DUI cases, a person can avoid being found guilty and thus prevent having a criminal record being filed.
DUI files become public record and can affect ones future considerably, in terms of job placement and other problem scenarios.
It is therefore best to hire an attorney that can defend a DUI or DWI charge.
Essentially, the DUI charge comes about when a person has consumed beyond a certain limit of alcohol to the extent this person has impairment in driving ability and is prone to accidents First time offenders may face a lighter sentence, but as time goes by, more and more states and police as well as courts are becoming less tolerant due to the immense risk to life and property when driving under influence.
If convicted on a DUI charge, often times such persons are required to attend AA meetings or other type of correctional classes that may be recommended by court.
DUI convictions are very serious offenses and are open to the public and besides this it can have grave consequence in safety and well-being not only of the person convicted but to the public and property at large.
It is best therefore, to abstain from alcohol if a person intends to drive to any destination to avoid possible risks.
It is much wiser to hire a taxi or have a friend that is sober to drive with to arrive safely to ones destination.
It is an offense record that is issued to any person found to have consumed alcohol while driving and has been charged accordingly.
However, just because a person has been issued with DUI charge does not necessarily mean the person will be convicted for it.
As the saying goes the person is innocent till proven guilty in a court of law.
It is therefore necessary to have a good lawyer to defend a drinking and driving charge.
By having an expert lawyer that specializes in DUI cases, a person can avoid being found guilty and thus prevent having a criminal record being filed.
DUI files become public record and can affect ones future considerably, in terms of job placement and other problem scenarios.
It is therefore best to hire an attorney that can defend a DUI or DWI charge.
Essentially, the DUI charge comes about when a person has consumed beyond a certain limit of alcohol to the extent this person has impairment in driving ability and is prone to accidents First time offenders may face a lighter sentence, but as time goes by, more and more states and police as well as courts are becoming less tolerant due to the immense risk to life and property when driving under influence.
If convicted on a DUI charge, often times such persons are required to attend AA meetings or other type of correctional classes that may be recommended by court.
DUI convictions are very serious offenses and are open to the public and besides this it can have grave consequence in safety and well-being not only of the person convicted but to the public and property at large.
It is best therefore, to abstain from alcohol if a person intends to drive to any destination to avoid possible risks.
It is much wiser to hire a taxi or have a friend that is sober to drive with to arrive safely to ones destination.