What Did Inca People Eat?
- The Inca used vegetables to make soups and stews.Photos.com/Photos.com/Getty Images
The Inca civilization consumed a number of vegetables, including tomatoes, sweet potatoes, maize (corn), avocados, beans and quinoa. However, the Incas relied on potatoes as a large part of their diet because it could withstand the freezing temperatures of the mountainous regions the Inca often inhabited. - Incas consumed fish located near the coast of South America.Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images
The Inca civilization also consumed meats, but as a smaller portion of their diet. The Incas also ate guinea pigs and fish and consumed llamas and alpacas, which they also raised for wool and labor. - The Inca never drank water, unless chicha was unavailable.Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images
The main drink among the Inca was chicha, or a fermented alcoholic beverage made from maize. This was the drink of choice, as the Incas consumed it at most meals and also during celebrations and rituals. - Freeze-dried food was easier for the Incas to transport around the empire.Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images
The Inca people maintained their selective diet due to their use of storehouses. They filled the storehouses with freeze-dried foods, like potatoes and meat, or what has come be known today as beef jerky. The storehouses were located around the empire, making the food widely available.