How to Power Level a Warlock on World of Warcraft
- 1). Create your character and begin questing in the starting area. Cast the self-buff Demon Skin, which increases your armor and health. Keep this buff up at all times.
- 2). Buy your Imp for 85 copper.
- 3). Use the following spell rotation to kill mobs: cast Immolate, use Imp to attack the mob, cast Corruption, then cast Shadow Bolt. If you are out of mana, attack the mob with your wand instead.
- 1). Complete the quest to learn how to summon a Voidwalker at level 10. Use this creature as your personal tank so that you don't take damage from mobs. Set Voidwalker to auto-cast Torment.
- 2). Spend your first talent point, which you get at level 10. Put your points into the Affliction tree. Put the first five points into Improved Corruption. Then put points into Improved Life Tap and Soul Siphon.
- 3). Get your first mount at level 20. This will greatly reduce the amount of time you spend traveling from place to place. At level 20, you also get the spell Demon Armor, which replaces Demon Skin.
- 4). Keep yourself soul stoned at all times. This ability allows you to self-resurrect every half hour and will greatly reduce the time you spend running back from the nearest graveyard.
- 5). Put the Glyph of Corruption in your Major Glyph slot, which you also get at level 20.
- 6). Use the following spell rotation to kill mobs: attack with Voidwalker, Curse of Agony, Corruption, Immolate, Life Tap, Drain Life and lastly Drain Soul.
- 1). Continue questing and consider buying a guide to help you do quests in the most efficient order. You want to increase the number of experience points (XP) you earn per hour.
- 2). Use a technique called "Drain Tanking" beginning around level 30. Cast your spells that do damage over time (DoTs), such as Curse of Agony and Corruption, order your Succubus to attack, and then cast Drain Life.
- 3). Attack more than one mob at a time as you level up. Warlocks can kill several mobs at once using a Succubus. Warlocks can also solo many quests with their pets that other players need help to complete.
- 4). Use the Dungeon Finder to earn XP in instances with other players at your same level. A good group can earn more XP per hour in a dungeon than by questing. A group that wipes often will earn less XP than you could have by questing.
Levels 1-9
Levels 10-23
Levels 24+