Wrinkles Underneath Your Eyes?7 Ways to Look Younger Now!
There are several contributing factors to the existence of those dreaded wrinkles under the eyes, including aging, smoking, lack of ample hydration, heredity, free radical accumulation, and blood acidity, among others.
With lifestyle and hereditary factors alike stacking up against you, prevention and elimination of wrinkles underneath your eyes can seem a hopeless endeavor.
But truly it's not.
When it comes to lifestyle factors, simple changes can be made.
When it comes to hereditary and aging factors, carefully chosen products can be used with extraordinary benefit.
Let's discuss seven incredible actions you can take that will inevitably lead to a healthier, more vibrant, and certainly more youthful-looking you! Ready? Okay, let's do it! Wrinkles Underneath Your Eyes? 7 Ways To Look Younger Now:
With lifestyle and hereditary factors alike stacking up against you, prevention and elimination of wrinkles underneath your eyes can seem a hopeless endeavor.
But truly it's not.
When it comes to lifestyle factors, simple changes can be made.
When it comes to hereditary and aging factors, carefully chosen products can be used with extraordinary benefit.
Let's discuss seven incredible actions you can take that will inevitably lead to a healthier, more vibrant, and certainly more youthful-looking you! Ready? Okay, let's do it! Wrinkles Underneath Your Eyes? 7 Ways To Look Younger Now:
- Drink plenty of water.
4 liters of purified water every day should be sufficient.
This will keep your skin plump and glowing. - Take an all-natural multivitamin.
Proper nutrition is critical in establishing excellent skin health and radiance.
No synthetic vitamins, okay? Make sure yours is derived from all natural plant sources! - Consume plenty of healthy fats and oils.
This includes avocados, olive and flax oils, and cold-water fish like salmon and tuna. - Antioxidants are great for reducing wrinkles under your eyes.
Drink green tea.
Eat dark berries and red grapes.
Use an antioxidant-rich skin and/or eye cream. - If you smoke, do you think it might be time to quit? Easier said than done, I know.
(I'm an ex-smoker myself).
I personally made a firm, committed decision, threw my cigarettes away, and chewed nicotine gum & breathed very deeply whenever the cravings became strong. - Alkalize your body.
The acid/alkaline balance of your blood and tissues is paramount in determining the health of your entire physical body, skin included.
I recommend a powdered wheat grass drink mix (available at any supplement or health food store) to mix, according to package instructions, with about half of your daily water supply.
Another great way to alkalize yourself is to eat lots of raw, green veggies.
You know, salads and stuff! - Hydrate and nourish your face and eye areas with a natural eye cream.
Be sure your eye cream is full of high quality, naturally-derived glycerides.
This can have a miraculous effect on the wrinkles underneath your eyes, causing them to disappear very quickly!