Games to Play at a Women's Party
- Keep the women at your party entertained with a few games.women silhouettes dancing image by dip from <a href=''></a>
A truly entertaining party for women goes beyond delicious food and themed decorations. Board games and trivia are always fun, but you may not have these types of games on hand. With a few household items and a little creativity, you can plan games for your women's party that will help break the ice, maintain a sociable and entertaining atmosphere, and avoid awkward moments or lulls in conversation. - Even among the closest friends, most women have a few secrets. For this game, give each guest a slip of paper and pencil. Ask her to write four surprising truths and one believable lie about herself. One by one, each woman reads her five items aloud. Her friends take turns guessing which is the lie. Because the goal is to trick everyone into thinking the one lie is a truth, women often end up revealing some unknown and even shocking truths about themselves.
- This game can get silly and will often result in a lot of laughing. Give each woman a scorecard to keep track of items, and prepare a set of note cards with names of items commonly (or not-so-commonly) found in a woman's purse. Draw one note card at a time and read the item out loud. If one of the guests has that item in her purse (and can prove it), she gets a point. The first guest to reach five points calls "Bingo" and is the winner.
- The concept of this game is simple, but the results can be hilarious. Divide guests into two teams, and give each a spoon, a bowl filled with at least 100 cotton balls and an empty bowl. One member from each team will try to scoop all of the cotton balls from one bowl into the other. The trick is, she must be blindfolded and cannot use her hands. Give each pair one minute to race, then have them remove their blindfolds. If it is not immediately obvious who was more successful in transferring the highest number of cotton balls, count them to determine a winner. Once all the pairs have raced, the team with the most winners is also the overall winner.
Lie to Me
Bingo Bag
Cotton Ball Scoop