History Of Chiropractic
The background of chiropractic Lexington KY is quite interesting. In Davenport, Lowa Daniel David Palmer in 1895 during his work founded that manual manipulation of spinal cord is a cure of disease which he named chiropractic. Basically he was a magnetic healer. Its history tells that a worker of a building having reduced hearing problem came to Palmer. Osteopathy is the predecessor of chiropractic treatment, as osteopathy is a technique which makes the body able to an extent that it starts healing itself. In the very beginning Palmer kept it as a secret but afterwards he gave this knowledge to some of his students.
And his son named Bartlett Joshua Palmer was also from his students and he decided to the technique of chiropractic treatment as he found this way of treatment more beneficial. Thus, he introduced this technique in 1906 in his fathers school named Palmer School. While Palmer start teaching this technique in 1898.
The belief of chiropractors when the flow of nervous energy is disturbed, it causes diseases. There is lot of controversies in chiropractic, as Daniel David Palmer and Bartlett Joshua Palmer were against using instruments in chiropractic and they are known as straight while others introduced the use of instruments for this treatment and they are called mixers.
Bartlett Joshua Palmer introduced new course and made X-rays essential for the diagnosis of disease in 1910, which caused a significant increase in the number of faculty and students in the Palmer School. According to Bartlett Joshua Palmer until 1924 there were only 3,000 chiropractors who were straight out of 25,000 chiropractors of U.S. In the same year Bartlett Joshua invented a temperature-sensing device named neurocalometer and it produced a high controversy among his fellows. This technique became largest alternative of healing profession.
Great opposition from organized medicine was faced by this technique. And the opposition between the chiropractors and the doctors of medicine prolonged over years and years. In 1966 it was labeled as unscientific cult and it was called unethical for the doctors of medicine to work with unscientific practitioners until 1980.
And his son named Bartlett Joshua Palmer was also from his students and he decided to the technique of chiropractic treatment as he found this way of treatment more beneficial. Thus, he introduced this technique in 1906 in his fathers school named Palmer School. While Palmer start teaching this technique in 1898.
The belief of chiropractors when the flow of nervous energy is disturbed, it causes diseases. There is lot of controversies in chiropractic, as Daniel David Palmer and Bartlett Joshua Palmer were against using instruments in chiropractic and they are known as straight while others introduced the use of instruments for this treatment and they are called mixers.
Bartlett Joshua Palmer introduced new course and made X-rays essential for the diagnosis of disease in 1910, which caused a significant increase in the number of faculty and students in the Palmer School. According to Bartlett Joshua Palmer until 1924 there were only 3,000 chiropractors who were straight out of 25,000 chiropractors of U.S. In the same year Bartlett Joshua invented a temperature-sensing device named neurocalometer and it produced a high controversy among his fellows. This technique became largest alternative of healing profession.
Great opposition from organized medicine was faced by this technique. And the opposition between the chiropractors and the doctors of medicine prolonged over years and years. In 1966 it was labeled as unscientific cult and it was called unethical for the doctors of medicine to work with unscientific practitioners until 1980.