A History of Irish-americans
Irish Americans number over forty-four million, twelve percent of the total American population, the only larger ethnic group are German-Americans. The largest Irish-American communities are in Chicago, Boston, New York City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Kansas City and Savannah, Georgia. Irish people and been emigrating in considerable numbers to the States since the 1760s, however it was during and after the Great Famine of the 1840s that literally millions sailed west across the Atlantic. After 1860, Irish immigration into America continued with family reunification attracting people into the major cities where Irish ghettos were established. They were hired by Irish labour contractors to work in labour gangs on the railroads, streets and other construction projects, Irish men also found employment in the police departments, fire departments. Many departments maintain large 'Emerald Societies', bagpipe marching bands or other units demonstrating their Irish heritage. A large number of Irish Catholic women took jobs as maids in middle class households and hotels. Although they started very low on the social scale, by 1900 they had improved themselves and were on a par with the average wage. After 1945, they began to enter the higher ranks of the social hierarchy, this was especially a result of their high rate of college attendance. The annual celebration of St. Patrick's Day is the most widely recognised symbol of the Irish in America when all things Irish are celebrated, the New York parade attracts upwards of two million people. According to the latest census, the Irish language ranks sixty-sixth out of the three hundred and twenty two languages spoken today in the U.S., with over twenty-five thousand speakers.
Russell Shortt is a travel consultant with Exploring Ireland, the leading specialists in customised, private escorted tours, escorted coach tours and independent self drive tours of Ireland. Article source: http://www.exploringireland.net
Russell Shortt is a travel consultant with Exploring Ireland, the leading specialists in customised, private escorted tours, escorted coach tours and independent self drive tours of Ireland. Article source: http://www.exploringireland.net