How to Grow Gardenia Blooms
- 1). Grow gardenias in low to medium shade away from plants with wide root systems. Test the soil pH with a home kit to verify the ground is acid, another of the gardenia's requirements; pH test kits are available at garden shops. Get one and follow the manufacturer's instructions. Acid ground has a pH below 7.0.
- 2). Incorporate 3 to 4 inches of compost into the planting area to promote quick drainage underground.
- 3). Water gardenias to the depth of their root zones before the surface dries. The shrubs require consistent moisture. Install a soaker hose 2 inches from the base of the plant to provide water straight to the roots, keeping the foliage dry. This method of irrigation prevents disease and conserves water.
- 4). Build a 2- to 3-inch-deep mulch ring around the base of the plant. Use pine needles, bark or compost to suppress weeds. Do not hoe, to prevent disturbing the sensitive gardenia roots.
- 5). Feed gardenias an azalea food or another fertilizer for acid-loving plants. Apply the feed in mid-March and again in late June according to the rates listed on the manufacturer's label.
- 6). Clip faded flowers at the end of the blooming season. Prune branches growing towards the center of the shrub, or that are broken or diseased, at the same time. Remove the entire twig if none of the wood looks salvageable. If part of the stem is well, cut it back into healthy wood, 1/4-inch above a bud. Slant the cut upward at a 45-degree angle.