Before You Buy Books About Deafness
Updated January 14, 2015.
Enough books about deafness and hearing loss have been published to support a bookstore. These are the ones that I have read and recommend or know about, although suggestions from visitors for addition to these pages are very welcome.
Top Deaf History/Heritage and Autobiographical Books
Books about deaf history and/or deaf heritage, and personal or true stories of being deaf.
Cochlear Implant Books
A growing category is books about cochlear implants, about personal experiences with implants and medical reference books.
Top Sign Language Books
Books for learning sign language, or sign language dictionaries.
Top Children's Books and Children's Sign Language Books
Books about deafness and sign language for children and the young at heart, and for teaching babies baby sign language.
Top Deaf Culture Books
Books about deaf culture.
Deaf Novels
Fictional novels with deaf characters.
Deaf Parenting and Psychology Books
Books about parenting deaf and hard of hearing children, and about the psychology of deafness.
Interpreting Books
Interpreters have their own books, to help them to be more professional. This list was compiled with help from professional interpreters.
Enough books about deafness and hearing loss have been published to support a bookstore. These are the ones that I have read and recommend or know about, although suggestions from visitors for addition to these pages are very welcome.
Top Deaf History/Heritage and Autobiographical Books
Books about deaf history and/or deaf heritage, and personal or true stories of being deaf.
Cochlear Implant Books
A growing category is books about cochlear implants, about personal experiences with implants and medical reference books.
Top Sign Language Books
Books for learning sign language, or sign language dictionaries.
Top Children's Books and Children's Sign Language Books
Books about deafness and sign language for children and the young at heart, and for teaching babies baby sign language.
Top Deaf Culture Books
Books about deaf culture.
Deaf Novels
Fictional novels with deaf characters.
Deaf Parenting and Psychology Books
Books about parenting deaf and hard of hearing children, and about the psychology of deafness.
Interpreting Books
Interpreters have their own books, to help them to be more professional. This list was compiled with help from professional interpreters.