How to Get Rid of a Pollen Allergy
- 1). Eat local honey. While it isn't recognized by the FDA, there is enough anecdotal evidence to say that for some people, honey gathered from local bees can drastically reduce or even eliminate a pollen allergy. Honey by nature contains pollen by-products, and these can act as a vaccine of sorts, helping you to build up your immunity to the allergen. For best results, take a tbsp. of local raw honey twice per day for a few months before allergy season.
- 2). Try acupuncture and chiropractic therapy. Find a practitioner experienced with the Allergy and Sensitivity Elimination and Reprogramming Technique, also known as ASERT. Some patients have had great success with this technique, and have seen their allergy symptoms disappear within days to weeks without medication, and without the risk of harmful side effects.
- 3). See your allergist for allergy shots, also known as immunotherapy. First, you will need an allergy test to see exactly what allergens are triggering your symptoms. Your allergist will then inject you with a shot of very small amounts of the substances to which you are allergic. Your body will become used to the triggers, and after several months of regular treatments, you will have a less severe reaction.
- 4). Reduce the amount of allergen that you are exposed to. You will have milder symptoms of hay fever if you are not in contact with pollen. Wash your hair each night before bed, to avoid spreading pollen to your pillowcase. Keep your windows closed during peak pollen season. Change your clothes and shower immediately upon coming in from outdoors. Take steps to avoid pollen whenever possible.
- 5). Medicate as necessary to reduce or eliminate your symptoms. Many prescription and over-the-counter allergy medications that can help you to feel better are on the market. Ask your doctor or pharmacist for a recommendation based on your needs.