How to Stop Ear Cropping & Tail Docking
- 1). Lead by example. If you want other people to stop having their dogs' tails docked and their ears cropped, you need to make sure you do not perform the same procedures on your own animals.
- 2). Talk to your local vet. Express your concern over the procedures. Many vets actually do not perform the two surgeries (especially ear cropping).
- 3). Discuss your concerns with any breeders you may know or have come in contact with. The breeders are most often the ones that perform the tail docking and ear cropping procedures. The breeders may be less likely to listen to you; however, if you are looking to purchase or adopt a dog and tell them you don't want the docking and cropping, they are most likely going to listen to you.
- 4). Advertise. You can do this with little money or a large sum of it. Taking up billboard space or television commercial airtime can be effective, but also expensive. Creating hand drawn or printed signs and placing them close to any vet offices or breeder facilities may help sway individuals' minds about the procedures.