Financial Education Games
- Financial education games can help players understand finances.Making a financial plan image by Allen Stoner from
Money matters sometimes leave people exasperated and scratching their heads as they try to figure out various financial concepts. For years, games like Monopoly have helped adults and children gain a stronger grasp on money matters. Anyone unsure of financial concepts and situations can play several financial education games that can boost their comprehension and knowledge. - Players learn how to get out of the "Rat Race" and onto the "Fast Track" by playing Rich Dad's Cashflow 101 board game. Using pretend money to practice investing, players learn about accounting, finance and investing, and they plan strategies for large and small deals. Rich Dad also manufactures a version for younger players---"Cashflow for Kids."
- Football fans mix football with finances in the NFL-Visa Financial Football game, accessible at the Practical Money Skills web site. The two-player game features high school- and college-level game choices, and players can select the game duration, the home team and the visitor team. The computer-determined coin toss winner chooses to kickoff or receive. Players answer multiple choice or true/false questions to gain yards and advance down the field, with incorrect answers resulting in the defense tackling the offense. Each question takes 1 minute off the time clock, with the easiest questions worth less yards than more difficult questions. Players score touchdowns by answering enough correct answers to cross the goal line, and they gain an extra point by answering the extra point question correctly. Players score field goals by answering questions of varying difficulty. When the clock runs down to zero, players click "End Game." The team with the most points wins.
- Players learn to manage money and climb out of debt in GMB Products' I'm Debt Free! board game. On their way to a debt-free life, players build their asset base, increase cash flow, invest in stocks and mutual funds, pay off credit cards and maintain sufficient cash for emergencies. Players make wise decisions and find financial freedom, or they make bad choices and fall further into debt.
- The Securities Industry and Financial Market Association's (SIFMA's) Stock Market Game gives players a $100,000 virtual cash account as they try creating the best-performing live-trading simulation portfolio. Although it's designed for teachers to use with grades 4 to 12, the game benefits potential investors of all ages. While building portfolios, players research and evaluate stocks, and they make decisions using actual Internet news and research. Players can also work with others to strengthen their cooperative, leadership, negotiation and organizational skills.
- Players encounter life and money decisions when playing Pay Your Family First's Thrive Time for Teens board game. Starting high school with a part-time job, players learn business, financial and social principles as they pick cards from a draw deck and make decisions based on each card's information. Players win by achieving the best "Thrive" score, which measures their decisions. Factors contributing to a positive "Thrive" score include income generation, wise financial choices, effective time management and interest in helping others.
Cashflow 101
Financial Football
I'm Debt Free!
Stock Market Game
Thrive Time for Teens