What Causes Frequent Heartburn and How to Effectively Treat Heartburn
Heartburn is one of the main symptoms of acid reflux.
For some people it is just a little uncomfortable, while others feel a lot of pain.
Heartburn is becoming a more common problem amongst both male and females.
The lifestyle and diet that people have, has a lot to do with the increased number of cases.
The good thing is that this disease can easily be treated, with simple remedies.
What causes frequent heartburn
There is no drug that eliminates your heartburn overnight, but only knowing what cause heartburn and what help to eliminate it.
For some people it is just a little uncomfortable, while others feel a lot of pain.
Heartburn is becoming a more common problem amongst both male and females.
The lifestyle and diet that people have, has a lot to do with the increased number of cases.
The good thing is that this disease can easily be treated, with simple remedies.
What causes frequent heartburn
- The reason why people fee the burning sensation, is that the gastric acid, that is suppose to be in the stomach, is driven to the esophagus.
Since the esophagus does not have the protective layer, against the gastric acid, that the stomach walls do, then the acid damages the esophagus tissue.
- The more prolonged this is, the more damage occurs and the more pain the person feels.
The reason why the gastric acid reaches the esophagus, is because the muscle, known as the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), that is suppose to hold the acid in the stomach, is weakened. - The things that cause acid reflux and its symptom heartburn, can be found in our poor eating habits.
If people would have a good diet, then this problem would not exist.
Drinks that include caffeine, like coffee and tea can make heartburn much worse and cause the problems in the first place.
Energy drinks, soda and chocolate also contain caffeine, these things should be avoided, at least until you find relief. - Spicy foods and fatty foods are also one of the main contributors to acid reflux.
Processed foods, fried foods, red meat, curry and chili are some of the main foods that people have problems with.
These foods stay in the stomach longer, slow down digestion and all of these things apply pressure to the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). - On top of that, there are countless number of drinks and foods, that can either cause heartburn or make it worse.
Such as citrus fruits like oranges, which relax the LES.
Tomatoes and tomato related products also relax the LES.
Peppermint is good for the digestive system, but yet again relaxes the LES muscle.
Tobacco, alcohol, even milk and large meals can contribute to heartburn.
These things causes frequent heartburn.
There is no drug that eliminates your heartburn overnight, but only knowing what cause heartburn and what help to eliminate it.