Vestibular Exercises for Vertigo
- Sit or stand up straight. Focus on an object that is straight ahead in your gaze. Tilt your head 45 degrees to the right while keeping your eyes focused on your object. Return to facing straight ahead. Repeat on the left side. Do this exercise as many times throughout the day as you feel comfortable with.
- Bouncing on an exercise ball is a good way to regain your balance. Simply sitting on one and bouncing up and down can reduce problems with imbalance. You can also throw a tennis ball or hand ball from hand to hand within eyesight. Work up to passing the ball under your legs. In addition, throw a tennis ball or rubber ball back and forth with someone.
- Walk a room with your eyes open, or try walking in a straight line. Return to your starting position and repeat with your eyes closed.
- Have someone find an object they can easily move around like a tennis ball or small toy. Ask them to place it about 3 feet in front of your face and move it in various directions, slowly at first and then picking up speed. Follow the object with your eyes, being careful not to move your head.
Eye Exercises
Exercising with Balls
Walk the Room
Tracking Objects