How to Pick a Lock With a Soda Can
- 1). Cut a 1-by-3 inch rectangle of aluminum from the soda can and flatten it.
- 2). Draw three horizontal, equidistant lines along the length of your rectangle, splitting it into four equal sections.
- 3). Draw a line down the center of your rectangle (at the 1.5-inch mark).
- 4). Draw a capital letter "M" on your rectangle. The bottom three points of the "M" should align with the bottom length of your rectangle. The middle of the "M" should be in the center of your rectangle. The top two points of the "M" should align with the second horizontal line you drew earlier. The "M" should look like a mirror image of two right triangles.
- 5). Cut out the "M" shape.
- 6). Fold the top section of your aluminum rectangle down toward the "M" shape.
- 7). Fold the outer two sides of the rectangle up from the midsection. These pieces will extend above the fold you made in the previous step.
- 8). Fold the excess aluminum over the top of the rectangle. The resulting shape will look like a narrow rectangle with a small, rounded triangle attached to its center.
- 9). Turn the padlock shim over.
- 10
Wrap the "triangle" part of the shim around the inside of your locked padlock shackle, with the point of the triangle facing down. The narrow rectangle portion of the shim should point outward, away from the shackle. Rub the triangle to shape it so that it conforms to the curve of the shackle. - 11
Shimmy the aluminum down the shackle so that the point of the triangle goes inside the lock. - 12
Push the shim forward so that the triangle presses against the notch of the padlock shackle. - 13
Pull up to release the locked shackle.