Excellent Tip For Lasting Longer During Sex
Here is an excellent tip for lasting longer during sex.
While it may sound simple on the surface, the results are absolutely powerful.
You can implement this tip in a number of ways, and the outcome can be hugely successful as you will notice your lasting ability increase greatly.
Calming Your Nerves.
Did you know many professionals attribute "premature ejaculation" as being mostly mental? It's very hard to believe that coming too quickly is all in your head, but it's actually true and here's why: Have you ever heard of the "football method" for lasting longer during sex? It involves thinking of football (or any sport) right when you sense premature ejaculation coming on.
You switch your mental state over to a football game rather than the sexual excitement right in front of you.
Guess what? It actually works.
It distracts your mind and calms your nerves.
And you last longer in bed.
So there is definitely a truth to the mental side of premature ejaculation prevention.
Since no one wants to really think about linebackers during sex, we have to focus on other ways to calm our nerves.
While it may sound simple on the surface, the results are absolutely powerful.
You can implement this tip in a number of ways, and the outcome can be hugely successful as you will notice your lasting ability increase greatly.
Calming Your Nerves.
Did you know many professionals attribute "premature ejaculation" as being mostly mental? It's very hard to believe that coming too quickly is all in your head, but it's actually true and here's why: Have you ever heard of the "football method" for lasting longer during sex? It involves thinking of football (or any sport) right when you sense premature ejaculation coming on.
You switch your mental state over to a football game rather than the sexual excitement right in front of you.
Guess what? It actually works.
It distracts your mind and calms your nerves.
And you last longer in bed.
So there is definitely a truth to the mental side of premature ejaculation prevention.
Since no one wants to really think about linebackers during sex, we have to focus on other ways to calm our nerves.
- Meditation.
There's so many benefits to meditiation and more and more continue to be unearthed through research and through personal reporting.
Let's go ahead and add preventing premature ejaculation to the mix.
All that "noise" in your head is horrible for sex.
It's all manic and causes you to feel and act in a "rushed state".
If you feel rushed, you are going to act rushed.
You are going to come too quickly.
Meditation slows all this down.
It lessens and gets rid of much of the noise, allowing you to have sex longer. - You are an amazing, long lasting, lover.
This is what you want to continue to feed your mind, over and over.
Planting these seeds in your mental state will cause your physical state to respond and act accordingly to what you our feeding it.
Nerves and self doubt are notorious causes for guys not being able to last long enough during sex.
If you continue to drive the mantra of long lasting lover over and over in your head then your body will respond and you will last long in bed.
- You are HOTTER that she.
This is a huge one, and for many guys looking for ways to have longer lasting sex, this will be the most difficult.
Again it is self doubt, fear, and very high nerves that cause quick ejaculation.
An excellent way to eliminate that is to act as though you are the sex object.
You are the better looking one and think how lucky she must feel for being with the great, good looking dude that you are.
Believe me, this reversal of mind set works incredibly well for longer lasting sex in the bedroom!