Types of Lawn Fungus
- No matter what part of the country you live in, there is a type of lawn fungus that may attack your garden and blemish the look of your landscaping. The different types of lawn fungus can look like anything from mushroom-like growths to brown patches on your grass leaves, so it it is important to identify what fungus is growing on your lawn and remove it without ruining the rest of your garden. If your lawn is discolored or dying despite regular watering and fertilization, it may be under attack from some type of grass fungus.
- Despite the charming name, this type of lawn fungus is anything but fairy-like with its ugly rings of dark green and dead grass, and it can be accompanied by squat brown mushrooms (in advanced cases). Fairy ring feeds on dead and decaying vegetation on your lawn, and removing it is difficult, but if you do not, the rings will get bigger.
Nitrogen treatments, spiking the ground with a root-feeder and pumping water around the ring, and removing the fairy ring and re-seeding and sodding, are all ways to get rid of this fungus from your lawn. - If your lawn is exposed to too much moisture, from an especially rainy season or over-watering it may develop these strange-looking yellow, gray or white beads that are slimy to the touch. Slime mold is unattractive, but easily dealt with; since it is a type of lawn fungus that minimally affects the surface of lawn grass. Reduce water, and rake or mow the affected grass to get rid of this fungus.
- This type of fungus, called snow mold or pink snow mold, is particularly devious because it attacks your lawn grass under a layer of snow. When the snow melts, you are left with yellow or white patches of dead grass, especially if you have Kentucky bluegrass. To prevent this type of fungus, mow your lawn regularly in the fall so there are no thick mats of grass to trap moisture, otherwise you may be forced to remove the patches of fungus-killed grass and re-sod and seed.
- As the name describes, rust is a type of fungus that turns the grass a reddish-orange color. This fungus produces clouds of orange dust when the lawn is mowed that cling to everything, encouraging new fungal growth. Rust fungus is the type that attacks poorly-maintained lawns in humid areas, and can be cured with proper lawn maintenance, watering and applications of a fungicide.
- Although there are a frighteningly large variety of these types of fungus, they all look just about the same--spotted, discolored and wilted lawns. If you think of your lawn as a human body, these types of fungus are the equivalent of a cold--they really don't have a cure, but applications of medicine (fungicide) may help relieve the worst symptoms while proper maintenance (lawn care) and time cures the actual illness.
Fairy Ring
Slime Mold
Snow Mold
Spotting, Blights & Mildew