Start Your Virtual Assistant Business Part-Time
If you are currently employed with a company working as an Administrative Professional and are wondering how you are going to transition into your own home-based Virtual Assistant practice, the thought may have crossed your mind to start your business part-time. This likely led to a number of other questions, such as €How do I get started,€ €How will I balance my job, family and business?€ and €Can I really do this and be successful?€
The good news is that you can create a profitable business that you work in part-time. You and I both know of many individuals who have been able to maintain two or even three sources of employment simultaneously. It would be no different if you were to choose to start your Virtual Assistance practice while you maintain your current job.
There are a few things that you will need to consider if you are going to start a part-time Virtual Assistance business, such as:
€ What is my current situation? As with any endeavor in life, especially when there is a demand on your time and financial resources, it is imperative to consider your circumstances as they are and not how you want them to be. Ask yourself:
o How much time do I have to devote to my business endeavor?
o How much financial support can I dedicate?
o How will my part-time Virtual Assistance business affect the time that I spend with my family?
o Will my quality of life improve or suffer by taking on this challenge?
There are no right or wrong answers to these questions. The point is to honestly assess where you're at and what needs to happen in order to make your endeavor successful.
€ Who will I serve in a part-time capacity? I'm asked all the time, €Will clients be interested in working with me if I'm only available part-time?€ And the answer is Yes! Why is that? It is because when and how you work isn't really their concern. Remember, they are looking for a solution to a problem, not a Virtual Assistant. Here is what you will need to do. 1) Focus the client relationship on solving their problems. 2) Be clear about your availability and meet the agreed upon deadlines. WHEN you actually do the work is a non-issue.We currently work with several Virtual Assistants. They each have different circumstances and different schedules. When they do their work for us is not something we worry or care about. Once a task is assigned, we just want it delivered on time and as we agreed. What this means for you is that you'll want to focus on providing services that aren't necessarily time sensitive (that have to be done during normal working hours). You do this by matching your skill set with what the client is looking for and then honoring your commitments.
€ How will I manage my time and clients? Time is our number one resource. We all enjoy the same portion of it each day. You, as a part-time VA, will have to determine how you will use your allotment of 24 hours. First, be mindful that you do not need to tell your clients that you only work part-time. Every day, you treat your employer as your biggest client, right?
When you enroll a client on a part-time basis, they only need to know that the agreement that the two of you made will be honored. Therefore, even in a part-time situation, make only commitments that you can keep. This means not over-committing yourself or making promises you can't keep. Be honest about what you can do and you'll quickly build a trust with your clients that will likely lead to more work and referrals to others in their network.
Is pursuing a part-time VA business the right goal for you? It can be if you honestly assess your current circumstances. Decide whether or not you have the time to commit to building your business. You also need to determine if you have the financial means to support your business. It is also important for you to be realistic in your commitments to clients. Many are getting this accomplished. By reviewing the points mentioned in this article, you may be able to start a part-time Virtual Assistance business too!
The good news is that you can create a profitable business that you work in part-time. You and I both know of many individuals who have been able to maintain two or even three sources of employment simultaneously. It would be no different if you were to choose to start your Virtual Assistance practice while you maintain your current job.
There are a few things that you will need to consider if you are going to start a part-time Virtual Assistance business, such as:
€ What is my current situation? As with any endeavor in life, especially when there is a demand on your time and financial resources, it is imperative to consider your circumstances as they are and not how you want them to be. Ask yourself:
o How much time do I have to devote to my business endeavor?
o How much financial support can I dedicate?
o How will my part-time Virtual Assistance business affect the time that I spend with my family?
o Will my quality of life improve or suffer by taking on this challenge?
There are no right or wrong answers to these questions. The point is to honestly assess where you're at and what needs to happen in order to make your endeavor successful.
€ Who will I serve in a part-time capacity? I'm asked all the time, €Will clients be interested in working with me if I'm only available part-time?€ And the answer is Yes! Why is that? It is because when and how you work isn't really their concern. Remember, they are looking for a solution to a problem, not a Virtual Assistant. Here is what you will need to do. 1) Focus the client relationship on solving their problems. 2) Be clear about your availability and meet the agreed upon deadlines. WHEN you actually do the work is a non-issue.We currently work with several Virtual Assistants. They each have different circumstances and different schedules. When they do their work for us is not something we worry or care about. Once a task is assigned, we just want it delivered on time and as we agreed. What this means for you is that you'll want to focus on providing services that aren't necessarily time sensitive (that have to be done during normal working hours). You do this by matching your skill set with what the client is looking for and then honoring your commitments.
€ How will I manage my time and clients? Time is our number one resource. We all enjoy the same portion of it each day. You, as a part-time VA, will have to determine how you will use your allotment of 24 hours. First, be mindful that you do not need to tell your clients that you only work part-time. Every day, you treat your employer as your biggest client, right?
When you enroll a client on a part-time basis, they only need to know that the agreement that the two of you made will be honored. Therefore, even in a part-time situation, make only commitments that you can keep. This means not over-committing yourself or making promises you can't keep. Be honest about what you can do and you'll quickly build a trust with your clients that will likely lead to more work and referrals to others in their network.
Is pursuing a part-time VA business the right goal for you? It can be if you honestly assess your current circumstances. Decide whether or not you have the time to commit to building your business. You also need to determine if you have the financial means to support your business. It is also important for you to be realistic in your commitments to clients. Many are getting this accomplished. By reviewing the points mentioned in this article, you may be able to start a part-time Virtual Assistance business too!