Drug Rehab Gets Kids Off Drugs, But How do You Prevent Them from Starting?
Have you ever wondered why the U.
and many other countries, right down to their cities and small towns, have developed drug cultures so severe that even prescription drug addiction, dependency and abuse is epidemic? It used to be that we could pretty much trust that our kids would not get involved with drugs - sure, the occasional kid would, but the vast majority would not.
Now drug detox and drug rehab centers all over the U.
are inundated with kids and young adults who have been using drugs on a daily basis just to try to live a normal life.
Whatever happened to the Norman Rockwell ideal? Does it even exist anymore? Why have things changed so much? Take a look around, or watch the news.
We're bombarded day in and day out with news about wars, nuclear threats, global warming, economies plummeting, natural disasters wiping out towns, unemployment lines swelling, the housing market crashing, people being raped, beaten, robbed and murdered.
Is it any wonder that people can't sleep, feel confused, nervous, frightened, worried or hopeless? Is it any wonder that even 12-year-old kids, living in the midst of this bedlam, would want to change how they feel by using drugs? You might think your kid is immune to this stuff - living their days happily playing with friends, going to school, working out their future.
But if they're watching the news, they might wonder if they even have a future.
So, not unlike the millions of adults using prescription drugs to cope with life, kids, too, turn to drugs.
On top of watching all that stuff on TV, and listening to their parents discussing these issues with an air of hopelessness, some kids don't always get the attention they need at home.
Parents have so much to cope with these days that, even though spending time with their kids is one of their favorite things to do, they sometimes just don't have as much time as they'd like.
If a kid gets involved in drugs, you can always help them with a good drug rehab program - and you should do it quickly: disastrous things can happen with drugs without a moment's notice.
But kids also need to live in a safe environment, including the home.
They also need to understand what's going on in the world and how they can avoid the many pitfalls it has to offer.
If you start teaching them early enough, you may even be able to ensure they never take drugs, and never need drug rehab.
If you have kids taking drugs, realize that drug rehab alone isn't going to solve all their problems.
If you want to make sure your kids don't start taking drugs, or don't get back into them after rehab, you have to help provide a safe, drug-free, loving and sane environment inside the home, and teach your kids how to live the lives they envision for themselves despite the world's problems.
A good drug rehab program will help set your kids up to cope with life, but parents also play a role.
Tall order? Perhaps.
But as a parent, what could be more important?
and many other countries, right down to their cities and small towns, have developed drug cultures so severe that even prescription drug addiction, dependency and abuse is epidemic? It used to be that we could pretty much trust that our kids would not get involved with drugs - sure, the occasional kid would, but the vast majority would not.
Now drug detox and drug rehab centers all over the U.
are inundated with kids and young adults who have been using drugs on a daily basis just to try to live a normal life.
Whatever happened to the Norman Rockwell ideal? Does it even exist anymore? Why have things changed so much? Take a look around, or watch the news.
We're bombarded day in and day out with news about wars, nuclear threats, global warming, economies plummeting, natural disasters wiping out towns, unemployment lines swelling, the housing market crashing, people being raped, beaten, robbed and murdered.
Is it any wonder that people can't sleep, feel confused, nervous, frightened, worried or hopeless? Is it any wonder that even 12-year-old kids, living in the midst of this bedlam, would want to change how they feel by using drugs? You might think your kid is immune to this stuff - living their days happily playing with friends, going to school, working out their future.
But if they're watching the news, they might wonder if they even have a future.
So, not unlike the millions of adults using prescription drugs to cope with life, kids, too, turn to drugs.
On top of watching all that stuff on TV, and listening to their parents discussing these issues with an air of hopelessness, some kids don't always get the attention they need at home.
Parents have so much to cope with these days that, even though spending time with their kids is one of their favorite things to do, they sometimes just don't have as much time as they'd like.
If a kid gets involved in drugs, you can always help them with a good drug rehab program - and you should do it quickly: disastrous things can happen with drugs without a moment's notice.
But kids also need to live in a safe environment, including the home.
They also need to understand what's going on in the world and how they can avoid the many pitfalls it has to offer.
If you start teaching them early enough, you may even be able to ensure they never take drugs, and never need drug rehab.
If you have kids taking drugs, realize that drug rehab alone isn't going to solve all their problems.
If you want to make sure your kids don't start taking drugs, or don't get back into them after rehab, you have to help provide a safe, drug-free, loving and sane environment inside the home, and teach your kids how to live the lives they envision for themselves despite the world's problems.
A good drug rehab program will help set your kids up to cope with life, but parents also play a role.
Tall order? Perhaps.
But as a parent, what could be more important?