How to Forge the Tooth of Jacob in The Sims Medieval
- 1). Play a quest using the Jacoban priest Sim once you have the Blacksmith Sim. (The Blacksmith Sim does not need to be at Level 10, yet.) During the quest, have the Jacoban priest Sim consecrate the well and then draw at least two buckets of water from it. Drag and drop the water onto the Blacksmith Sim.
- 2). Purchase the "Manual of Blacksmithing: Tooth of Jacob" and "Manual of Blacksmithing: Watcher's Blade" during random events or when they are available at the Village Shoppe. They usually appear when traveling to the Village Shoppe or strolling through the forest. If you receive them during a quest, drag and drop them onto your Blacksmith Sim so he will have them.
- 3). Align your kingdom with Yacothia by purchasing the Death of the Proxy quest. Yacothia appears on your kingdom map once you have 60 Renown Points. It costs 10 Resource Points for Yacothia to become your ally, prompting the quest to appear in your queue.
- 4). Play a quest with your Merchant Sim. Trade 60 wildflowers or 30 nightshades to Crafthole and receive 10 goose feathers in return. Trade the 10 goose feathers to Yacothia to get two Watched Waters. Watched water is also randomly available for purchase in the Village Shoppe. Give the watched water to the Blacksmith Sim.
- 1). Mine the minerals needed, including two adamantle, one mithral, seven ferrous and two phosphorus minerals.
- 2). Read the "Manual of Blacksmithing: Watcher's Blade." This can be done with a Level 6 Blacksmith Sim.
- 3). Forge the Watcher's Blade. The Watcher's Blade requires one adamantle mineral, two consecrated well waters, seven ferrous and two phosphorous minerals.
- 4). Read the "Manual of Blacksmithing: Tooth of Jacob." This cannot be done until your Blacksmith Sim is at Level 10.
- 5). Forge the Tooth of Jacob. It requires one adamantle and one mithral mineral, two Watched Waters and one Watcher's Blade.
Necessary Steps Requiring Other Hero Sims
Steps the Blacksmith Sim Must Complete