How A Natural Pool Can Transform Your Yard
Have you always wanted a backyard pool but you’re hesitant to put up with the headache that comes along with keeping it clean? All of the chemicals and concrete involved in installing a traditional swimming pool are not exactly in line with green living. But, if you live in a hot climate, there is nothing better than jumping into a cool body of water on a scorching hot day. So what’s a green-minded homeowner to do?
Enter the natural pool!
Natural pools are basically ponds but with a very gentle filtration system that keeps them clean and promotes water movement. Natural pools use a combination of properly selected water plants and a gentle water pump (gentle enough for a frog to safely pass through it!) to create a self cleaning eco-system in your own backyard. Proponents of natural pools ensure that when properly maintained the water in these pools is clean enough to drink.
The pools are designed with two separate areas: the aquatic plant area which maintains the integrity of the water, and the swimming section for recreation and relaxation! The design potential for natural pools is huge as you are no longer limited to man made concrete stonework and water features. You can work with a variety of native plants and build a deck out of natural materials. Just be sure to consult with someone who has experience with natural pools so that you don’t upset the natural ecosystem.
The thought of live organisms in your pool can be a little unsettling to some but it’s all in your mindset.
Think back to your grandparents’ childhood when the local swimming hole was the only option. No one questioned whether the presence of the occasional frog or lily pad would cause harm. Kids and adults alike just jumped in and enjoyed mother nature’s splash pool! So here’s to a swimming pool throwback - start digging!
Bryn Huntpalmer is a mother of two young children living in Austin, Texas where she currently works as an Editor for Modernize and nurtures her HGTV obsession. In addition to regularly contributing to Home Decor and Design websites around the web, her writing can be found on Lifehacker, Scary Mommy, and on her personal blog Her Own Wings.