Ear Lobe Infections
- Having ears pierced professionally with an ear-piercing "gun" that pierces the ear with a sterilized earring will help to prevent piercing-related earlobe infections. A primary care physician or dermatologist is most qualified to pierce ears and is more likely to follow sterile procedures.
- Freshly pierced ears should be cleaned with hydrogen peroxide two times a day and an antibiotic ointment should be applied. Follow this routine for three weeks. Always clean new earrings with hydrogen peroxide before putting them in your ears.
- Many people have reactions to earrings with a high nickel content. Always wear high-quality gold or silver earrings to avoid infections due to allergic reactions caused by these cheap earrings
- Boxers and wrestlers can develop earlobe infections due to repeated or serious injury. Split ears can also be caused by ripped out earrings. Surgery and antibiotics can prevent infection, which causes a cauliflower (misshapen) or other earlobe issue.
- Remove earrings, clean the ear with hydrogen peroxide, and apply antibacterial ointment twice a day to treat an itchy and sometimes pus-filled ear infection.
- An earlobe infection will usually go away after after a few days, but if it does not you should see a doctor. A rare but serious infection called cellulitis can occur. This infection creeps under the skin and can spread to the scalp, neck and ear canal.
Care of Pierced Ears
Reaction to Metal
Extreme Infection