Challenges During Divorces
- Money can do a lot of good and can also cause a lot of stress. During a divorce both you and your soon-to-be former spouse will need to pay for lawyers. In addition, bills can add up quickly if you can no longer live together during the process. One of you will need to move into a separate dwelling. Child and spousal support will also become an issue during the proceedings.
- Divorce can be rough on children. Young children may not understand what is going on and may have questions about why one of you is moving out. Older children and teens may feel as though they are in the middle or being forced to take a side. It is best for each of you to spend extra quality time with your children. In addition, seek counseling if any of your children are having trouble with the situation.
- Even if you have fallen out of love with or know that leaving your partner is the right decision, getting a divorce still hurts. When you first were married, you probably never dreamed that a divorce would occur. Find comfort by spending time with family and close friends. Vent when you need to and also take the time to do fun activities. Seek therapy if you become depressed or need professional help.
- Be prepared that you may be getting divorced from people besides your spouse. You would be surprised how quickly your favorite sister-in-law or your spouse's normally charming best friend can turn on you, especially your divorce is contentious. As hard as it is, try not to take these things too personally. If your divorce is not a clean one, these people may want to defend their family member or friend, especially if they see your soon-to-be ex-partner suffering. Your family and friends probably have your back. In time, many of these people may apologize and be able to reestablish a friendship with you. There may be some people from your spouse's side who will hold a grudge.
Friends and Family