A Positive Attitude Can Heal Cancer!
The Ayurvedic treatment for cancer brings a new approach to healing cancerous cells the medical frontier isn't accustomed to. The Ayurvedic treatment utilizes on a person's emotional and spiritual well being in order to get rid of tumors and other cancer growths in the body. Well this might seem unorthodox to most medical practitioners but surprisingly enough the treatment procedure yields true results and there is evidence of a patience getting cured from breast cancer.
According to the Ayurvedic treatment for cancer theory, getting sick is a condition that affects the mind, body and spirit. When someone gets sick, it affects these three states of a person's well being. If the patient makes no effort of maintaining a positive attitude during the sickness, depression will slowly cause deterioration on the mental and spiritual states. If we bring the aspect of Karma to the picture; a repeated action of these negative thoughts will spark a release of the cancerous cells in the body. So from Ayurvedic treatment for cancer theory, you can heal cancerous growths by changing your thoughts on the whole situation; in this case always keeping positive thoughts
Constant feelings of stress, fear, shame and anxiousness on a repetitive cycle is the cause why many people suffer from cancer attacks. When the body harbors negative thoughts, it produces harmful chemicals into the blood stream which causes the cells to mutate and develop to a tumor. From the findings of the Ayurvedic treatment for cancer, patients who suffer from the first bout of cancer will probably have other future attacks if they don't change their attitude from negative to positive.
The first healing through the Ayurvedic treatment of cancer procedure was on breast cancer. Ayurvedic's first patient was a woman who agreed to the new cancer treatment plan since she suffered from spiritual illnesses as well. This made her a qualified candidate for the new treatment plan and the Ayurvedic treatment plan took her through a healing procedure known as Ayuwaska. Ayuwaska is a kind of medicine that works in all the three stages (mind, body, spirit) producing a cleansing and purifying effect to the three states.
According to Dr Ayurvedic, the Ayuwaska medication also worked in revealing the hidden emotions on a patient that brought about the cancerous growth. The medication further blocked any further in flow of negative thoughts on the patient. For the next stage of treatment, Dr Ayurvedic used Reiki to dissolve the cancerous cells from the breasts. This stage was accompanied by a series of sound therapies in combination to produce better results.
The later stages of the Ayurvedic treatment for cancer involved massaging the bosom to clear away the liquid containing dissolved cancerous cells. Getting rid of the liquid took a period of 2 weeks for a complete successful cleaning. By the end of the two weeks the liquid had completely cleared away giving room for the next stage of the process.
The proceeding level involved a liver flush and the patient was advised on a suitable diet and intake of enema as she was prepared for the flush. During the dietary period the patient together with Dr Ayurvedic reflected the past life of the patient as well as other activities to engage her emotionally. The idea was to get her to follow a positive pattern of thoughts as the old negative once were getting rid of. The Ayurvedic treatment for cancer procedure continued to remove more of the harmful liquid from the bosom. The liver flush procedure also took place during this period; from then the patient was asked to take a rest from the treatment as she awaits the final stage of the treatment plan.
The final stage of the cancer treatment involved engaging the patient in a new Ayuwaska diet. The Ayuwaska diet was the main tool in the treatment to break the Karmic events in the patient's life that caused release of the harmful cells that eventually brought the cancerous cells. The full purpose of the Ayuwaska diet is to break the negative thought pattern in the patient and initiate a more positive thinking pattern.
When the Ayurvedic treatment for cancer came to a finish, the female patient went for a second mammography to which surprisingly showed a complete disappearance of the tumor. While this may spark several comments and reactions from the medical fronts, the truth is the Ayurvedic treatment plan worked utilizing two general stages to heal the patient; getting rid of the cancerous cells from the patient's breasts and two, changing the patient's attitude and thought patterns.
According to Dr Ayurvedic, the cancerous get heals within the first two weeks in the treatment but getting rid of the negative thought pattern is also important. This seals the onset of another cancerous growth happening. So from what we get from this treatment, you can actually stop the spread of cancer cells if you are willing to change the negative and depressed attitude you have on the sickness.
According to the Ayurvedic treatment for cancer theory, getting sick is a condition that affects the mind, body and spirit. When someone gets sick, it affects these three states of a person's well being. If the patient makes no effort of maintaining a positive attitude during the sickness, depression will slowly cause deterioration on the mental and spiritual states. If we bring the aspect of Karma to the picture; a repeated action of these negative thoughts will spark a release of the cancerous cells in the body. So from Ayurvedic treatment for cancer theory, you can heal cancerous growths by changing your thoughts on the whole situation; in this case always keeping positive thoughts
Constant feelings of stress, fear, shame and anxiousness on a repetitive cycle is the cause why many people suffer from cancer attacks. When the body harbors negative thoughts, it produces harmful chemicals into the blood stream which causes the cells to mutate and develop to a tumor. From the findings of the Ayurvedic treatment for cancer, patients who suffer from the first bout of cancer will probably have other future attacks if they don't change their attitude from negative to positive.
The first healing through the Ayurvedic treatment of cancer procedure was on breast cancer. Ayurvedic's first patient was a woman who agreed to the new cancer treatment plan since she suffered from spiritual illnesses as well. This made her a qualified candidate for the new treatment plan and the Ayurvedic treatment plan took her through a healing procedure known as Ayuwaska. Ayuwaska is a kind of medicine that works in all the three stages (mind, body, spirit) producing a cleansing and purifying effect to the three states.
According to Dr Ayurvedic, the Ayuwaska medication also worked in revealing the hidden emotions on a patient that brought about the cancerous growth. The medication further blocked any further in flow of negative thoughts on the patient. For the next stage of treatment, Dr Ayurvedic used Reiki to dissolve the cancerous cells from the breasts. This stage was accompanied by a series of sound therapies in combination to produce better results.
The later stages of the Ayurvedic treatment for cancer involved massaging the bosom to clear away the liquid containing dissolved cancerous cells. Getting rid of the liquid took a period of 2 weeks for a complete successful cleaning. By the end of the two weeks the liquid had completely cleared away giving room for the next stage of the process.
The proceeding level involved a liver flush and the patient was advised on a suitable diet and intake of enema as she was prepared for the flush. During the dietary period the patient together with Dr Ayurvedic reflected the past life of the patient as well as other activities to engage her emotionally. The idea was to get her to follow a positive pattern of thoughts as the old negative once were getting rid of. The Ayurvedic treatment for cancer procedure continued to remove more of the harmful liquid from the bosom. The liver flush procedure also took place during this period; from then the patient was asked to take a rest from the treatment as she awaits the final stage of the treatment plan.
The final stage of the cancer treatment involved engaging the patient in a new Ayuwaska diet. The Ayuwaska diet was the main tool in the treatment to break the Karmic events in the patient's life that caused release of the harmful cells that eventually brought the cancerous cells. The full purpose of the Ayuwaska diet is to break the negative thought pattern in the patient and initiate a more positive thinking pattern.
When the Ayurvedic treatment for cancer came to a finish, the female patient went for a second mammography to which surprisingly showed a complete disappearance of the tumor. While this may spark several comments and reactions from the medical fronts, the truth is the Ayurvedic treatment plan worked utilizing two general stages to heal the patient; getting rid of the cancerous cells from the patient's breasts and two, changing the patient's attitude and thought patterns.
According to Dr Ayurvedic, the cancerous get heals within the first two weeks in the treatment but getting rid of the negative thought pattern is also important. This seals the onset of another cancerous growth happening. So from what we get from this treatment, you can actually stop the spread of cancer cells if you are willing to change the negative and depressed attitude you have on the sickness.