More Sex Really Is Better - 13 Health Benefits of Intimacy
Most men don't need a reason to have sex, other than the fact that they want to.
But just in case a man - or his partner - needs some convincing, here is a list of 13 reasons to have sex tonight.
Read them, memorize them, print a copy and keep them in the night stand so that the next time the old not tonight because of a headache excuse comes out, there is a whole list of reasons why yes, tonight should win out! Of course, with all these extra reasons to have sex more frequently, men may need to up their penis care routine to keep the little guy running as efficiently as possible.
1) Sex cures headaches: Looks like that classic excuse is no more.
Research has found that orgasms can actually provide headache relief - even of a severe migraine - so next time she has a headache, encourage her to skip the medicine cabinet and head right for the bedroom! 2) Stress lowers blood pressure: Studies have found that people who have sex more often have a lower diastolic blood pressure (the bottom number) - that's another good reason to increase the nookie.
3) Sex may improve breathing: Believe it or not, sex may be a natural antihistamine; some people report relief from allergy and asthma symptoms after sex.
4) Sex makes one happy: Researchers have found that the more sexually active a person is, the happier - and healthier-they are.
In fact, people who are getting more action tend to take fewer sick days than those who are not.
5) Sex is a stress reliever: Getting the heart pumping is a sure fire way to drop one's stress level.
Some people hit the gym, some people hit the sheets - consider the latter the next time there is a need to blow off some steam! 6) Sex burns calories: A particularly active romp in the hay may burn as many as 200 calories or more! Sure beats an evening at the gym! 7) Sex boosts immunity: Even men who only squeeze in one tryst per week enjoy a healthier immune system.
Regular sex boosts the body's production of immunoglobulin A; so it seems that having sex every day keeps the doctor away! 8) Sex is heart healthy: Regularly getting it on actually keeps the ticker healthy and reduces a man's chance of a fatal heart attack - according to one British study.
Men who had sex two or more times per week were at half the risk of those who got busy less than once a month.
9) Sex promotes bonding: Sex releases the chemical oxytocin, which facilitates bonding and feelings of closeness between partners.
So rather than hop in the shower immediately after, lie around and reap the benefits of these feel-good chemicals.
10) Sex improves self-esteem: Researchers have found that not only does sex improve one's self-esteem, individuals with higher self-esteem have more sex - so getting on a roll may just create a positive cycle of wanting more sex.
11) Sex fights pain: Having sex releases endorphins - which are the body's natural pain-killers - individuals have reported relief from headaches, arthritis pain, minor aches and pains, and menstrual cramps after having sex.
12) Sex may protect against prostate cancer: The Journal of American Medical Association published an article finding that men who ejaculated 21 or more times per month were less likely to get prostate cancer compared to men who only ejaculated 4-7 times per month.
Though other health factors certainly influence one's risk, frequent ejaculation appears to reduce the chances by some margin.
13) Sex encourages sleep: Many people find that they dose right off to sleep after sex; this happens because the oxytocin released promotes relaxation and induces sleepiness.
Crashing out post coitus is all well and good, just be sure to satisfy all parties involved to prevent bad feelings and assure that both people get a good night's sleep.
Priming the Penis for Sex Now that there are 13 scientifically backed reason to get it on more regularly, a tune up of the penis care routine may be in order.
A little penis TLC can go a long way toward a healthy sex life.
Simply wash the area gently with soap and water, pat dry and apply a penis vitamin cream to the area while it is still slightly damp (most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil).
A penis vitamin cream, loaded with essential vitamins and minerals, will help keep the skin supple and smooth while fighting odor causing bacteria and eliminating unsightly bumps and rashes, which can occur from too much bacteria.
Daily application can help keep the penis fresh and ready to go - whatever the reason to have sex may be that day.
But just in case a man - or his partner - needs some convincing, here is a list of 13 reasons to have sex tonight.
Read them, memorize them, print a copy and keep them in the night stand so that the next time the old not tonight because of a headache excuse comes out, there is a whole list of reasons why yes, tonight should win out! Of course, with all these extra reasons to have sex more frequently, men may need to up their penis care routine to keep the little guy running as efficiently as possible.
1) Sex cures headaches: Looks like that classic excuse is no more.
Research has found that orgasms can actually provide headache relief - even of a severe migraine - so next time she has a headache, encourage her to skip the medicine cabinet and head right for the bedroom! 2) Stress lowers blood pressure: Studies have found that people who have sex more often have a lower diastolic blood pressure (the bottom number) - that's another good reason to increase the nookie.
3) Sex may improve breathing: Believe it or not, sex may be a natural antihistamine; some people report relief from allergy and asthma symptoms after sex.
4) Sex makes one happy: Researchers have found that the more sexually active a person is, the happier - and healthier-they are.
In fact, people who are getting more action tend to take fewer sick days than those who are not.
5) Sex is a stress reliever: Getting the heart pumping is a sure fire way to drop one's stress level.
Some people hit the gym, some people hit the sheets - consider the latter the next time there is a need to blow off some steam! 6) Sex burns calories: A particularly active romp in the hay may burn as many as 200 calories or more! Sure beats an evening at the gym! 7) Sex boosts immunity: Even men who only squeeze in one tryst per week enjoy a healthier immune system.
Regular sex boosts the body's production of immunoglobulin A; so it seems that having sex every day keeps the doctor away! 8) Sex is heart healthy: Regularly getting it on actually keeps the ticker healthy and reduces a man's chance of a fatal heart attack - according to one British study.
Men who had sex two or more times per week were at half the risk of those who got busy less than once a month.
9) Sex promotes bonding: Sex releases the chemical oxytocin, which facilitates bonding and feelings of closeness between partners.
So rather than hop in the shower immediately after, lie around and reap the benefits of these feel-good chemicals.
10) Sex improves self-esteem: Researchers have found that not only does sex improve one's self-esteem, individuals with higher self-esteem have more sex - so getting on a roll may just create a positive cycle of wanting more sex.
11) Sex fights pain: Having sex releases endorphins - which are the body's natural pain-killers - individuals have reported relief from headaches, arthritis pain, minor aches and pains, and menstrual cramps after having sex.
12) Sex may protect against prostate cancer: The Journal of American Medical Association published an article finding that men who ejaculated 21 or more times per month were less likely to get prostate cancer compared to men who only ejaculated 4-7 times per month.
Though other health factors certainly influence one's risk, frequent ejaculation appears to reduce the chances by some margin.
13) Sex encourages sleep: Many people find that they dose right off to sleep after sex; this happens because the oxytocin released promotes relaxation and induces sleepiness.
Crashing out post coitus is all well and good, just be sure to satisfy all parties involved to prevent bad feelings and assure that both people get a good night's sleep.
Priming the Penis for Sex Now that there are 13 scientifically backed reason to get it on more regularly, a tune up of the penis care routine may be in order.
A little penis TLC can go a long way toward a healthy sex life.
Simply wash the area gently with soap and water, pat dry and apply a penis vitamin cream to the area while it is still slightly damp (most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil).
A penis vitamin cream, loaded with essential vitamins and minerals, will help keep the skin supple and smooth while fighting odor causing bacteria and eliminating unsightly bumps and rashes, which can occur from too much bacteria.
Daily application can help keep the penis fresh and ready to go - whatever the reason to have sex may be that day.