Good Color Choices for Exterior Paint for Houses
- Although neutral colors may seem standard and ordinary when it comes to exterior house paint, they are practical for a number of reasons. Neutral colors blend well into any neighborhood, look great against any style of landscaping and can easily be cleaned, with the exception of bright whites. When dirt collects on a neutrally painted house, it is not as noticeable as on a house painted in a brighter color.
Neutral exterior paint choices to consider: ivory, gray, off-white, ecru, mocha, white (not bright white). If you want to choose a bright white shade, keep in mind that dirt will show up easier on your house, and you will need to take extra care to keep it clean to avoid the paint from looking dull and dingy. - When you want just a touch of color without your home standing out a great deal, consider going with a pastel-colored exterior paint. Pastels look lovely, especially on homes that are decorated with country or shabby-chic décor.
Standard pastels that are used for exterior house paint include light sky blue, pale yellow, pale rose and pale sage. If you'd like a bolder, brighter pastel, try lavender or light coral. - If you are in a neighborhood that allows it and you like the look of bold, bright colors, there are a few options available for you. You can paint your house a bold color without it looking odd or out of place. This is a great option for those who have homes that have modern or contemporary décor.
Some brighter colors that look great on the exterior of homes: cobalt blue, turquoise, burgundy, bright yellow, emerald green and cherry red.
Bold Colors