Signs of Alcohol and Drug Abuse in Students
- If students are taking drugs, they may have new friends.students image by Edward White from
If you are an educator or work with youth in schools, it is important to know the signs and symptoms of drug and alcohol use in students. The American Council for Drug Education has guidelines for spotting drug use; however, the Council does caution that just because the signs are there, it does not mean a student is using drugs. If a student is discovered to be using drugs, the Council recommends involving the services of a mental health professional or a crisis counselor to help deal with the situation. - When students lack desire, it may be an indication of drug use.student image by Vasiliy Koval from
The American Council on Drug Education says that behavioral changes may be indications of students using drugs. These changes can include abnormal work output, grades suffering, and a change in mood or attitude. Students who have previously been stellar performers, but are now not performing well, may be taking drugs or using alcohol. - Teens involved in drugs may change in personality or appearance.moody teen image by pixelcarpenter from
Another sign of drug or alcohol use is dropping out of sports or extracurricular activities that were once enjoyed. Students who take drugs frequently lack the desire to participate in school or school-related activities. They may also acquire new friends, or hang out with a different group than they associated with before. - A student who is involved with drugs will routinely start to care less about her appearance. She may neglect personal hygiene, such as taking showers on a regular basis.She may change how she dresses. The student can also lose or gain weight. In addition to clothing changes, the student may change the way he wears his hair, or select different types of jewelry that reflect a drug lifestyle. She may appear pale or have evidence of a smell of a substance on her body or clothing. The student may also have a runny nose or exhibit a cough for no apparent reason. Her eyes may be red or swollen, or have dilated or contracted pupils. In the case of intravenous drug use, there may be evidence of needle marks on the arms, legs, or feet. The student may also become nauseous, vomit, or have a shaking or trembling of the hands. Students high on amphetamine derivatives may become hyperactive and talk excessively. Students who take opium-based drugs may be sleepy, incoherent, and fall asleep in class. In addition, the student may be unable to walk in a normal manner, instead staggering or exhibiting poor coordination. If the student is drinking alcohol, there will be an alcohol odor to the breath.
Behavior Changes
Attitude Changes
Personal Changes