Strategies for Weak Spellers
- Word walls work well for weak spellers in elementary school. Put a list of commonly misspelled words on the word wall. While doing spelling lessons, cover up a word, say it orally and have the students write it down. Uncover the word and have students check it. Ask students to repeat the spelling of the word. The mix of auditory and visual stimulation is helpful for weak spellers.
- Weak spellers can keep a spelling notebook. This can be a spiral notebook, large or small. Let them decorate it and make it a special notebook. If they misspell a word, have them look up that word in a dictionary. After they find the proper spelling, have them write it down in the notebook 25 times. While writing the word, they must spell it out loud. This combination is an effective strategy for weak spellers.
- Create a chart to hang on the wall. On the chart, put the words the students often misspell. After students complete writing assignments, they are to refer to the chart and check the spellings of those words. If they find misspellings in assignments, students are to fix them before turning in the paper or assignment.
- If your child is a weak speller, discuss words over dinner or with the family. If you see that he is misspelling words, write them down on index cards. Hand him an index card with a word on it and call it the word of the day. Sit with your family and create sentences using the words. Have your weak speller write down each sentence with the correct spelling of the word.
Word Wall
Spelling Notebook
Spelling Chart
Word of the Day