How to Grow the Painted Daisy
- 1). Fill 3-inch square pots with potting soil containing a small amount of perlite for added moisture retention. Fill the square pots only to within the top one-quarter inch.
- 2). Place two painted daisy seeds on the surface of the potting soil. Sprinkle potting soil on top of the seeds until they are barely covered.
- 3). Spritz water into each square pot until the potting soil feels moist at a depth of one-half inch. Keep the potting soil moist at a depth of one-half inch until it is time to transplant the painted daisies outdoors.
- 4). Wrap each pot with plastic wrap. Remove the plastic wrap once a week to check the moisture level of the soil, then replace it afterward.
- 5). Set the pots near an east- or west-facing window where temperatures stay around 55 degrees Fahrenheit during the day.
- 6). Watch for germination one to two weeks after sowing the painted daisy seeds. Remove one of the seedlings from each pot, if both seeds sprout.
- 7). Remove the plastic wrap once the painted daisy seeds germinate. Keep them under the same light and moisture conditions until two weeks after the last frost.
- 8). Transplant the painted daisy seedlings 2 feet apart in a sunny, well-draining bed. Keep them watered to a depth of 1 inch during the summer months.